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Connecticut NCAA 1991 2nd half


Connecticut NCAA 1991 2nd half

Starting Line Ups
      Duke:                             Connecticut:
      KOUBEK, Greg                      BURRELL
      GRANT, Hill                       DEPRIEST       
      LAETTNER, Christian               SELLERS  
      HURLEY, Bobby                     SMITH, C.
      HILL, Thomas                      PIKIELL

Ball to Duke
20:00 Duke ball to start the half                                 44-27
19:23 Smith fouled by T. Hill (1) (Duke 1) miss ft. makes sec.    44-28
19:09 Sellers fouls (2) (Conn 1)
19:02 Laettner underneath from Hurley                             46-28
18:29 Smith fouled by Koubek (2) (Duke 2) makes both shots        46-30
17:29 Sellers fouled by T. Hill (2) (Duke 3) no shots
16:46 Burrell for three from the right corner                     46-33
16:33 F. Hill fouls (Off. 4) (Duke 4)
      Duke Sub In: Davis  Out: G. Hill


15:56 Duke Sub In: McCaffrey  Out: T. Hill
15:39 McCaffrey 10 ft jumper in the lane                          48-33
15:23 Smith hits a 3-pointer                                      48-36
      Burrell fouls (3) (Conn 2)
14:58 Koubek hits a 3-pointer from the right side                 51-36
14:47 Davis fouls (2) (Conn 5)
14:39 Sellers fouled by Laettner (1) (Duke 6) makes both shots    51-38
14:31 Laettner fouled by Sellers (3) (Conn 3) makes both shots    53-38
14:02 Pikiell fouls (3) (Conn 3)
      Conn Sub In: Gwynn  Out: Pikiell
13:53 Laettner short jumper from McCaffrey                        55-38
13:33 Gwynn driving bank high off the glass                       55-40
12:53 Gwynn three-pointer at the top o;f the key                  55-43
12:34 Duke Sub In: T. Hill  Out: Koubek
      Duke Sub In: Koubek Out: Laettner
11:27 Conn Sub In: Walker  Out: DePriest


11:27 Play Resumes
11:24 Gwynn hits a trey from Sellers                              55-46
10:46 T. Hill 14 ft baseline jumper                               57-46
10:07 Davis fouls (off. 3) (Duke 7)
      Conn Sub In: Cyrulik  Out: Sellers
9:40  Duke Sub In: Koubek  Out: McCaffrey
9:35  Cyrulik fouled by Laettner (2) (Duke 8) makes 1st,          57-47
      misses second
      Conn Sub In: DePriest  Out: Burrell
      Duke Sub In: McCaffrey  Out: Davis
9:18  Koubek one-hand bank from 12 ft                             59-47
      Koubek fouled by Gwynn (1) (Conn 5) makes shot              60-47
      Conn Sub In: Burrell  Out: Walker
9:08  Burrell fouled by T. Hill (3) (Duke 9) misses 1st,          60-49
      makes 2nd and 3rd                                      
      Duke Sub In: G. Hill  Out: T. Hill
8:49  G. Hill fouled by Gwynn (2) (Conn 6) makes both shots       62-49
      Conn Sub In: Sellers  Out: Cyrulik
8:23  Duke Sub In: Palmer  Out: Laettner                          
8:07  Koubek fouled by DePriest (2) (Conn 7) makes first          63-49
      misses second
      Conn Sub In: Cyrulik  Out: Sellers
7:49  Cyrulik 10 ft jumper                                        63-51

7:48  Play Resumes
      Duke Sub In: Laettner  Out: Palmer
7:30  Laettner jumper in the lane                                 65-51
7:07  Burrell 8 ft bank shot                                      65-53
7:01  Hurley fouled by Gwynn (3) (Conn 8) misses shot
      Duke Sub In: Davis  Out: McCaffrey
      Duke Sub In: T. Hill  Out:
6:50  Smith jumper in the lane                                    65-55
6:36  Davis fouled by Seller (4) (Conn 9) makes both shots        67-55
6:24  Burrell fouled by T. Hill (4) (Duke 10) misses both
      Duke Sub In: G. Hill  Out: T. Hill
6:01  Hurley fouled by Smith (2) (Conn 10) makes both             69-55
      Duke Sub In: McCaffrey  Out: Davis   
      Conn Sub In: Pikiell  Out: Depriest
5:51  Conn Sub In: Depriest Out: Pikiell
5:24  Duke Sub In: Davis  Out: Hill
4:55  Lattner fouled by Sellers (5) missed both shots
      Sellers whistled for technical foul 
      Conn Sub In: Cyrulik  Out: Sellers
      McCaffrey shooting tech. misses first makes second          70-55
      Conn Sub In: Depriest  Out: Pikiell
4:20  Burrell fouls (off.4)
      Duke Sub In: G. Hill  Out: Davis
4:13  Hurley fouled by Burrell (5) makes both shots               72-55
      Conn Sub In: Pikiell  Out: Burrell

4:42  Play resumes
3:25  Pikiell 3-pointer at the top of the key                     71-58
3:06  Laettner short jumper                                       74-58
2:14  G. Hill fouled by Walker (3) misses first, makes second     75-58
      Duke Sub In: Lang Clark  Out: Laettner, Koubek
      Conn Sub In: Suhr  Out Cyrulik
1:48  Gwynn hits a 3-pointer from the left side
1:09  Duke Sub In: Buckley  Out: Hurley
      McCaffrey hits from the right corner                        77-58
:51.2 McCaffrey layup on the break                                79-58
:37.6 Smith for a trey at the top of the circle                   79-64

:36.3 Play resumes
      Conn Sub In: Macklin  Out: Pikiell
:35.3 Buckley fouled by Walker (4) misses both shots
:22.7 Clark puts back a T. Hill miss                              81-64
:09.8 Macklin fouled by Clark (1) makes first, misses second      81-65
:08.5 Suhr tipin                                                  81-67
                                                    FINAL         81-67