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NCAA 1992 East Final-Kentucky


     NCAA 1992 East Final - Kentucky
     Last year it was the UNLV game.  Duke was not suppose to 
win, but did.  This year the Duke, Kentucky game is the game that 
will live on, maybe even longer than the UNLV game.  Who was to 
win?  Could a game really be won, or lost depending on what side 
of the fence you're on in the last 00.1 sec.  YES!  Could Grant 
Hill throw a pass the length of the court, that pass be caught 
and a shot made by Laettner to give Duke the win? YES! Was it a 
miracle, or a game play perfectly executed by a very determined 
team? Only seconds before Mashburn a member of an equally determined 
Kentucky team, thought he had thrown the last and winning shot.  
His shot would be forgotten and Duke would go to the Final Four.    

        Kentucky NCAA 1992 1st half
        Kentucky NCAA 1992 2nd half