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Purdue NCAA 1994 1st half


Purdue NCAA 1994 1st half

Duke Blue Devils vs Purdue

March 26, 1994
Knoxville, TN

Starting Line Ups
    Duke Blue Devils:       Purdue:
    LANG                    ROBINSON
    HILL                    MARTIN
    PARKS                   BRANTLEY
    CAPEL                   WADDELL
    COLLINS                 ROBERTS

Ball to Purdue

Time    Action                                  Score
19:25   Lang banks from the lane                2-0
18:57   Robinson jumper left baseline           2-2
18:31   Parks from the lane                     4-2
18:02   Capel banks left wing                   6-2
17:44   Waddell jumper right wing               6-4
17:11   Foul Brantley P1T1
16:43   Foul Hill P1T1
16:32   Martin jumper right baseline            6-6
15:55   Foul Brantley P2T2 Hill 2 1/1           8-6
15:36   Stanback left foul line                 8-8
15:22   Foul Lang P1T2
14:54   Hill 3 key                              11-8
13:52   Stanback layup right                    11-10
13:21   Foul Collins P1T3 Robinson layup + 0    11-12
12:51   Capel 3 left wing                       14-12
12:31   Stanback layup right                    14-14
12:07   Foul Stanback P1T3
12:01   Foul Meek P1T4
11:46   Foul Capel P1T5 Waddell for 2 1/1       14-16
11:11   Robinson from right of the line         14-18
10:37   Lang from the lane follows              16-18
09:51   Stanback layup                          16-20
09:24   Martin 3 left wing                      16-23
08:40   Roberts jumper left lane                16-25
08:37   TIME OUT Duke (1)
08:32   Foul Roberts P1T4
08:08   Foul Dove P1T5
08:02   Foul Roberts P2T6 Capel for 2 1/0       17-25
07:43   Robinson jumper right wing              17-27
07:30   Foul Martin P1T7 Parks for 1-1 1-0      18-27
06:44   Lang layup                              20-27
06:19   Parks layup down the lane               22-27
06:09   Foul Robinson P1T8  Lang for 1-1 1-1    24-27
05:18   Foul Dove P2T9  
05:18   Purdue Bench Technical Foul
        Lang at the line for 2 0/0 (Foul)
        Parks at the line for 2 1-1             26-27
04:55   Hill jumper left lane                   28-27
04:41   Waddell jumper right wing               28-29
04:20   Hill layup left                         30-29
02:07   Waddell 3 left key                      30-32
01:11   Parks layup                             32-32
00:28.5 Foul Lang P2T6
00:00.0 HALFTIME                                32-32

Biggest Home lead 1