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![]() | Koubek, Greg |
Koubek, Greg Height: 6' 6" Weight: 205 Born: 03/15/69 Forward Number: 22 Hometown:Clifton Park, NY Major: Sociology G GS MIN AVG FG OF % 3P OF % FT OF % REB AVG ASS TO BS ST DNK CHR PF TP AVG 88 35 0 356 10.2 48-121 39.7 20-54 37.0 19-30 63.3 78 2.2 19 25 5 13 2 4 0 135 3.9 89 36 1 534 14.8 61-144 42.4 9-37 24.3 46-64 71.9 84 2.3 34 47 1 15 2 9 51 177 4.9 90 38 12 574 15.1 66-149 44.3 19-47 40.4 29-41 70.7 92 2.4 18 33 3 19 1 9 55 180 4.7 91 38 13 600 15.8 77-177 43.5 32-76 42.1 39-48 81.3 110 2.9 33 29 3 21 0 0 67 225 5.9 Career: ______________________________________________________________________ 147 26 2064 14.0 252-591 42.6 80-214 37.4 133-183 72.7 364 2.5 104 134 12 68 5 22 173 717 4.9
Contributed comments:
From: jermaul bellamy
Email: spiderfbi@yahoo.com
I would like to go to your basketball camp in branch lake I've always loved your school and my dream is to play division 1 basketball.I played alittle bit of freshman basketball for Albany High. This summer I'm playing summer league(varsity) for my school.I heard that James Thomas that plays for schnectedy high went to your camp last year and it helped him get alot of attention from colleges.I am willing to work really hard to get the same attention
From: Darryl S.
Email: s4life@erols.com
I would like to go to your camp also this coming summer. went to one a couple years back and I been wanting to go back ever since. I moved down to Va from NY and I made my Varsity team and I just want to get back up there to show you how much I have improved since the last time you saw me play. Again please send me one of you booklets in the mail or e-mail me with the dates of the 1998 camps.
From: Matt antell
Email: mattantell@hotmail.com
What's up? I'm back in the States. Contact me please.
From: Morgan Austin
I have seen Jermaul Bellamy play and he has real potential he's a hard worker and is division 1 material
From: Vicki Townsend
Email: detown@swbell.com
Could you please send me info on your basketball camp. I am I'm sure my son will be very interested in attending. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
From: Louis Norwood
You haven't seen a good high school player until you have seen Bellamy play any team that he would play for is bound to get 100% out of him
From: Bryn Van alstyne
I feel that jermaul is the best upcoming basketball players in the area he will make some college coach happy in the future.
From: Coach ralph Derizzo
Jermaul Bellamy played on my J.v basketball team he has real potential and he is just the kind of player that a coach would like to have he's hard working he can rebound andhe goes up strong in the paint I recomend him to attend your camp this summer
From: Coach Paul Lyons
Jermaul Bellamy will be playing for my varsity basketball team in the fall and i feel that he has a great amount of strenghth and he is a hard worker
From: Coach Paul Lyons
Jermaul Bellamy will be playing for my varsity basketball team in the fall and i feel that he has a great amount of strenghth and he is a hard worker
From: Coach Paul Lyons
Jermaul Bellamy will be playing for my varsity basketball team in the fall and i feel that he has a great amount of strenghth and he is a hard worker
From: Kathy Gleason
Email: kcgtown@nycap.rr.com
Please send registration info. for Brant Lake Basketball Camp to: Sam Gleason 12 Reservoir Dr. Queensbury, NY 12804 Thank you.
From: Joe Vendetti
Email: jvendetti@msn.com
Greg - Coach Z didn't send me my normal allotment of camp brochures so I can pass them out at our end of the year event and AAU tryouts. Could you send them to me please. Joe Vendetti 820 Fehr Avenue Schenectady, NY 12309 PS - Look forward to August
From: kelli minor
Email: bsb5diva@aol.com
greg camp was soo much fun this year! can you send me the website address to download those videos? thanks a ton love kelli!
From: Sam Zullo
Email: Samzfor3@yahoo.com
Hey Greg, What is the site that has the highlights from camp on it? I would really like to see them. Camp was great fun this year and I look forward to comibg back next year.
From: Michelle Barber
Email: saddlesw@aol.com
I was given your name by my daughters basketball coach in Quennsbury, NY. He mentioned you run some clinics and a camp in Brant Lake. She is 10 and showing great talent, I would love to enroll her and develop her skills further. Please send any information available, or maybe a web site to visit. Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.
From: Joe Horton
Email: PTGUARD25@aol.com
Please send me information on your overnight camp, it would really mean a lot to me. Im your biggest fan.
From: Joe Horton
Email: PTGUARD25@aol.com
Please send me information on your overnight camp, it would really mean a lot to me. Im your biggest fan.
From: denise round
Email: cjround@capital.net
please send info regarding brant lake b-ball camp or provide web-site for camp thanks
From: cindy horgan
Email: jphorgan@adelphia.net
please send info regarding brant lake b-ball camp 59 Helen Dr. Queensbury, NY 12804
From: Cindy Mead
Email: cmead@nycap.rr.com
Please send me info on the basketball camp you offer in Brant Lake. My son and 3 or 4 of his classmates attend North Warren School here in Chestertown/Brant Lake and might be interested in attending this summer if you have any openings left. Hope to hear from you! P.S I could not find your web site :(
From: Sheri Wescott
Email: buzyldy@aol.com
looking for information on your basketball camp held in Brant Lake, NY
From: The Googs
Email: akakritz@pools-world.com
We think you suck!
Contributed links: