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From: Electra Catz
Email: Electra_Catz@usa.net
I am looking for information on reproduction and studies on population and growth Can anyone help me?
From: Ken
Email: k@test.com
Test message
From: Ken
Email: ken
From: girmay
Email: abrhag@yahoo.com
I am looking for information on monocots and dicots similarites and differencf. I would appriciate if it included a picture or figur. Is there any body who can help me out on this. thank you. Girmay
From: Skip Crane, Class of '67
Email: harolynn@charleston.net
Does anyone have a record of something I would call "by the numbers" ... the names of each Duke player ever to wear number X ...?
From: Aliyah Robinson
Email: AliyahR@excite.com
I've been browsing the entire web looking for contact info on a certain player named Chris Carrawell. I live in Jersey but I want to hopefully visit him one day. I just want him to have my email for, just so we can get to know each other.
From: andrew
who is duke's first black basketball player
From: andrew
Email: www.andrew.com
who is duke's first black basketball player
From: leo gabathuler
Email: speedy@spin.ch
have you got some information about the colleges in the USA? i would like to play in a college basketball team, and e need some information about many colleges in the USA. can you help me with information about the college or an adress from a college team like North Carolina Tar Heels i need this!!!!!!!!!
From: Gerd Grawitter
Email: Gerd.Grawitter@t-online.de
Hallo Ute, Hallo Brent, first of all thank you for your letter, your season greetings and all the information. Happy new year! I was just testing and fiddeling along with my computer and used the www. search-machines, who found you right away as an author of sports statistics? As I remember, is Brent a enthusuastic lover of basketball. Correct? More to come. Gerd Grawitter, Wiesbaden.
From: Robert Chen
Email: robertchen@rcn.com
Great site! I was wondering if you had a copy of the 1992 East Regional Final against Kentucky on VHS.. I would be willing to pay a fair price for a copy. Let me know. Thanks. Robert Chen
From: Robert Chen
Email: robertchen@rcn.com
Great site! I was wondering if you had a copy of the 1992 East Regional Final against Kentucky on VHS.. I would be willing to pay a fair price for a copy. Let me know. Thanks. Robert Chen
From: Robert Chen
Email: robertchen@rcn.com
Hi, Great Site! I was wondering if you had the East Regional Final against Kentucky on VHS. I would be willing to pay a fair price for it. Thanks.
From: tara
looking for info on bambo
From: Jean Mark
Email: jean_j_mark@yahoo.com
Would you please get me intouch with Tom Butters or Joe Alleva? This is in regards to the heart surgery that my husband(who is very athletic and is only 38 years old)will soon have. I believe that a referral from someone in the sports world would best suit my husband's condition: a heart valve replacement of the aortic valve. Most heart surgeons work on older folks, but my husband is young and athletic. Somewhere in the sports world, an athlete with a heart murmur in the aortic valve has had successful surgery. Please help me find the right doctors and surgeons. Respectfully, Jean jean_j_mark@yahoo.com
From: ryan
Email: hoopstar66@hotmail.com
I would like to get an aplicatoin for the duke summer basketball camp. I plan on playing at duke when i get out of high school since i am only a freshman. If anyone can send me any informatoin on the camp please send it. Thanks
From: Larry Mancini
Email: lmancini@mindspring.com
I need info on Duke Basketball Junior Summer Camps for boys. Thank you.
From: Marita R
Email: johnyboy@eticomm.net
I need to know about calla lillies: temperature to keep them at, fertilizer, pH level, sun/shade, moisture, etc. Thanks!
From: Carole Greer
Email: carolegreer@mail.scsb.org
Mr. Heyman was my husband's hero when he was in high school and basketball is what kept him in school. I would love to give him an autographed picture. How could I get in touch with Mr. Heyman?
From: marsha cox
whois the first black basketball player
From: Krusty1665
Email: Krusty1665@Yahoo.com
I was wondering what services you provide and what your volunters do
From: joe thomas
Email: joe.thomas@sockbrands.com
what is Gene doing these days? I used to be his asst coach in the USBL and would liek to drop him a line.
From: Bozidar SVETEK
Email: interak@si21.com
INFO !!! INTERAKTIV MUSIC ec. ... http://www.si21.com/interakt (offer-abstrakt) MFG/BS
From: molly
Email: memolldoll@aol.com
I need information on monocots and dicots. It is for a lab report, and i need to find some good webcited on the similarities and difference and anything else. Thank you. -moll
From: nick
Email: naa126@psu.edu
who is the only duke player to win a nba championship??????
From: John Harrell
Email: johndharrell@netzero.net
My major was in mathematics!
From: Virginia Peden
Email: vpeden@peoplepc.com
Dear Sir/Madam: I purchased a pair of your support hose at Kaufmann's, Downtown, Pittsburgh, and find that they are so short in the waist, that they are difficult to keep up. They keep rolling down, which of cours is uncomfortable. I am only five feet tall and have a short waist. I wish that you would consider making this hosiery with more material to the waistline. Sincerely, Virginia Peden
From: Virginia Peden
Email: vpeden@peoplepc.com
Please delete my message from this website. It was not intended for anyhone but the company to which I wrote. Thank you.
From: Aco Pavloski
Email: ac1pa@yahoo.com
Who know all about Hotel fisibility Study,please write to me.
From: Aco Pavloski
Email: ac1pa@yahoo.com
Who know all about Hotel fisibility Study,please write to me.