Liliaceae (Lily Family)
Liliaceae (Lily Family) Characteristics: *six parted perianth generally *in many species the segments are colored and shaped alike, where in others, there are two rings of three segments, each ring being different *flowers are all color with blue being rare *six stamens, one pistil *stigma generally three-lobed, or three separate stigmas on a thre-branched style *ovary is superior *fruits generally three-chambered pods or berries Family: Liliaceae Genera and Species: Genus: Erythronium (Dogtooth-violet) E. americanum (yellow dogtooth-violet) E. albidum (white dogtooth-violet) Genus: Uvularia (Bellworts) U. perfoliata U. grandiflora U. sessilifolia Genus: Trillium (trillium or wake-robins) T. undulatum (painted trillium) T. nivale (dwarf white trillium) T. erectum (purple trillium) T. grandiflorum (large-flowered trillium T. cernuum (nodding trillium) T. flexipes T. sessile T. recurvatum Genus: Allium (Onion) A. canadense (wild garlic) A. cernuum (wild onion) A. stellatum A. tricoccum Genus: Nothoscordum (False Garlic) N. bivalve Genus: Medeola (Indian cucumber-root) M. virginiana Genus: Lilium (lilies) L. philadelphicum (wood lily) L. canadense (Canada or meadow lily) L. superbum (Turk's-cap lily) L. tigrinum (common garden tiger lily) Genus: Clintonia (clintonia) C. borealis (bluebead or corn-lily) C. umbellulata Genus: Polygonatum (Solomon's-seal) P. canaliculatum Genus: Streptopus (twisted-stalk) S. amplexifolius S. roseus Genus: Smilacina (false Solomon's-seal) S. racemosa S. stellata S. trifolia Genus: Maianthemum (wild lily-of-the-valley) M. canadense Genus: Ornithogalum (star-of-Bethlehem) O. umbellatum Genus: Camassia (wild hyacinth) C. scilloides Genus: Zygadenus (camas) Z. glaucus Z. elegans Genus: Melanthium (bunchflower) M. virginicum Genus: Veratrum (Indian poke or false hellebore) V. viride Genus: Chamaelirium (fairy-wand or devil's-bit) C. luteum Genus: Stenanthium (featherbells) S. gramineum Genus: Hemerocallis (day-lilies) H. fulva H. flava Genus: Smilax (catbriers, greenbriers and carrion-flower S. rotundifolia (greenbrier or horsebrier) S. glauca (sawbrier or wild sarsaparilla) S. hispida S. herbacea (carrion-flower) S. pulverulenta S. ecirrhata