Orchidaceae (Orchid Family)
Orchidaceae (Orchid Family) Characteristics: *roots of all orchids are assoicated with fungi *six perianth parts, three outer parts are sepals often but not always colored differently from the three petals *flower bilateral *one or two stamens, the style, and the stigma are all joined forming the column *ovary inferior *seeds are very small Family: Orchidaceae Genera and Species: Genus: Cypripedium (lady'-slippers or moccasin-flower) C. acaule (stemless lady's-slipper) C. calceolus (yellow lady's-slipper) C. candidum (white lady's-slipper) C. reginae (showy lady's slipper) C. arietinum (ram's-head) Genus: Calopogon C. pulchellus (grass-pink) Genus: Malaxis (adder's-mouth) M. unifolia (green adder's-mouth) M. brachypoda (white adder's mouth) M. monophyllos Genus: Isotria I. verticillata (five-leaves) Genus: Calypso C. bulbosa (calypso or fairy-slipper) Genus: Arethusa A. bulbosa (dragon's-mouth or bog-pink) Genus: Cleistes C. divaricata (rosebud orchid) Genus: Pogonia P. ophioglossoides (snake-mouth) Genus: Aplectrum A. hyemale (putty-root or Adam-and-Eve) Genus: Corallorhiza (coral-roots) C. maculata C. trifida C. striata C. wisteriana Genus: Epipactis E. helleborine (helleborine) Genus: Listera (twayblades) L. cordata L. australis Genus: Triphora T. trianthophora (three-birds) Genus: Orchis O. spectabilis (showy orchis) Genus: Habenaria (rein orchids and fringed orchids) H. psycodes H. lacera H. blephariglottis H. cristata H. ciliaris H. hookeri H. orbiculata H. flava H. dilatata H. clavellata H. hyperborea H. viridis Genus: Liparis (twayblades) L. lilifolia L. loeselii Genus: Goodyera (rattlesnake-plantains) G. repens G. tesselata G. oblongifolia G. pubescens Genus: Spiranthes (ladies'tresses) S. cernua S. romanzoffiana S. ovalis S. gracilis S. vernalis S. grayi S. lucida S. praecox