Descriptions have been transcribed
from informational signs on site
Painting taken from the ante chamber of cave XVII at Ajunta, probably
painted between A.D. 400 and 450
Buddha is seated in the middle two celestial chauri holders stand by his
side, and above Vidyadhara (Demigods) on clouds bring garlands. On the
right are about sixteen Bhikshus or mendicants, and above them three horses
on one of which is a man in Iranian dress. In rear of these is a great
lady, seated on an elephant who with her children and slaves make obeisance
to Buddha. At the feet of Buddha are two Rajas and on his left, other
notables and a great prince. Behind the latter group are two mounted Sssanians
and others on elephants while pennants are carried before some of them.
In the upper part of the picture Buddha stands surrounded by four Arhats
(saints) and two Bodhisattwas (Persons who have arrived at supreme wisdom)
Copied by Murli, etc. in 1892 A. D. from a coloured drawing made by pupils
of the School of Art, Bombay, under the Supervision of the Principal,
John Griffiths, Esq. #2688
Great Gambling Scene in the Mahabharata Painters of Original.
A.D. 1590 Basawan and Danau
Modern Copyists, A.D. 1887: Ram Chandra and Nand Lal Yudhishthira, the
eldest of the five Pandu brothers, was induced by his enemies, the Kauravas,
to play a game at Chaupar with their Champion Sakuni. By means of loaded
dice the latter won Yudhishthira's kingdom, as well as Draupadi, the wife
of himself and his brothers.
One of the Kauravas attempted to insult Draupadi by tearing off her dress,
but this was miraculously lengthened by Krishna in approval of her virtuous
character. #2693
This museum collection was made under the superintendence of Brigade Surgeon
Lt. Colonel T.H. Hendley, G.I.E.
It was commenced in August 1881.
In temporary rooms in the city, transferred to this building in September
1886 and formally reopened in February 1887.
The collections are divided as follows:
1. Industrial art
2. Historical
3. Educational
4. Economic
of Gatore
This place has been the cremation ground of the rulers of Jaipur since
the time of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh
Yantra Raj
Repaired A.D. 1901
Stereograhic projection of heaven on plane of equator. For observing altitudes
and thence finding time and all the positions of the heavenly bodies.
Uttar Gola Repaired A.D. 1901
Tested by Jotshi Gokul chand Bhawan. The use of this instrument is to
find whether the heavenly bodies are in the northern or southern hemisphere.
It gives time also. The southern portion of the instrument was made in
the time of Maharajah Pratap Singhji #3073
Dakshin Gola Prpaired A.D. 1901
Testd by Jotshi Gokul chand Bhawan. The use of this instrument is to find
whether the heavenly bodies are in the northern or southern hemisphere.
It gives time also. The southern portion of the instrument was made in
the time of Maharajah Pratap Singhji #3075
Rama Yantra
(Complementary to A)
Tested by Jotshi Gokul chand Bhawan. This gives the altitude and azimuth
of the Sun and of the heavenly bodies. #3103
Rashi Valaya Yantra:
Known as Rashi Valaya Yantras is a group of 12 instruments representing
all the 12 zodiac signs situated on a rectangular platform near the southern
wall of the obwservatory.
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