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![]() | Collins, Chris |
Collins, Chris Height: 0' 0" Weight: 0 Born: 01/01/80 Number: 0 Hometown: Major: G GS MIN AVG FG OF % 3P OF % FT OF % REB AVG ASS TO BS ST DNK CHR PF TP AVG 93 29 5 367 12.7 56-139 0.4 37-85 0.4 20-32 0.6 33 1.1 34 23 0 15 0 1 26 169 5.8 94 34 30 1055 31.0 110-275 40.0 76-202 37.6 45-63 71.4 68 2.0 77 50 1 41 0 7 52 341 10.0 Career: ______________________________________________________________________ 63 35 1422 22.6 166-414 40.1 113-287 39.4 65-95 68.4 101 1.6 111 73 1 56 0 8 78 510 8.1
Contributed comments:
From: Tara McBride
Email: tamcbrid@vt.edu
I love you Chris Collins!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Rylee
Email: 70125.1142@compuserve.com
Height: 6-4 Weight: 180 Hometown: Northbrook, IL Major: Sociology Birthdate: 4/19/74 Number: 20 High School: Glenbrook North Father: Doug-Head Coach Detroit Pistons Sister: Kelly Current Location: Finland
From: Kelly Byrd
Email: byrdnest@duplin
I love you Chris!
From: Kimo-Eric Arca
Email: DukeChamp1@aol.com
Chris is da bomb!
From: Scarlet Bates
Email: Scarlet@bluenet.net
Thanks for the page! I am a close personal friend of Chris's. He is doing fine in Finland.
From: Heidi Spangler
Hi Chris! If you ever read these little messages I think that you are the BOMB!! I was very much heart-broken when Duke lost in the first round of the 1996 NCAA tournement to Eastern Michigan. I'm from Michigan but I didlike them very much since they beat you in your last colegic game. You cried, I cried, we all cried. When I saw your dad's emotions in the game that the Pistions beat the Bulls I knew your family was cool like that. So are you going to come to the NBA? I would love to see you there. But for now have fun jammin' in the good old country of Finland. Well C- ya Chris.
From: #1 Duke Fan
Chris, you're so cute! I hope you're having a good time in Finland. you're dad is a great coach,and I've heard that he use to play for the Bulls. That's pretty cool. If you see this, please write to : Elizabeth Copeland, 2044 Mozingo Rd., Greenville, NC, 27834
From: arlette aguilar
Email: arlette@erols.com
Chris you r the beast to bad you r not at duke anymore but i hope you r happy in finland and hope to see you in the N.B.A, I wish you the best of luck
From: arlette aguilar
Email: arlette@erols.com
Chris you r the beast to bad you r not at duke anymore but i hope you r happy in finland and hope to see you in the N.B.A, I wish you the best of luck
From: Scarlet Marie Bates
Email: scarlet@tartan.sapc.edu
For everone who wants to know how Chris is doing, he is fine and playing basketball in the country of Finland. He loves all of his fans and thanks them for their support. If you want more info on Chris email me at scarlet@tartan.sapc.edu
From: Henry Menz
Email: menz@dynmite.com
you da man, I da man we da man, we all da man Chris collins hahahaha NBA sux hahahaha college BBALL is crap love from two Aussies seeya wouldnt want to be ya
From: 2 pac
Chris Collins is the best player ever. I wish he would go play in the NBA. His number is the best number ever! #20 rules!
From: Jennifer Ellis
Email: jdellis@erols.com
I've been a huge Duke fan for 8 years and had the pleasure of meeting Chris several times while he was at Duke. He was without a doubt one of the nicest people I have ever met! If anyone deserves success it is Chris Collins. I hope everything is going great for him in Finland. I welcome e-mail from any Duke fans.
From: kyle
Email: number twenty
i beleive chris is coaching in the w
From: Danielle
I hope you are doing well Chris. I wanted to say I will
From: Erica
Email: shelle02@hotmail.com
Chris, you are AWESOME! I have been a Duke fan since I was little and you are by far my favorite player! Congrats on the assistant coaching job at Seton Hall. I know you feel right at home with Tommy Ammaker! Go Devils!!!
From: Laura
Email: rhanderso@gateway.net
Chris, u are my favorite Duke player ever (and the hottest)=)Anyway, good luck at Seton Hall!
From: Kelly
Email: kkcancer24@yahoo.com
Hi Chris! I was wondering where you were and whether you were still playing basketball? Congrats on your Assistant Coach position at Seton Hall! I still wished that you got the chance to win a National Championship title at Duke, but you had great four years at Duke and you should be proud of it. Best of Luck with you career and everything else! Kelly
From: Erin Galbreth
Email: lady_blue_devil@yahoo.com
Wow...man, you have done more in the last ten years as a coach than some people dream. Thanks for all of the wonderful Duke memories and best of luck with your new job in Durham.--Erin
From: Denise
I have great memories of your four years at Duke. Nice to have you back and Congrats on ur new job!
From: Kelly Byrd
Email: kbyrd20@cameroncrazies.com
Glad to have you back where you belong, at duke. Good Luck!
From: Michelle M.
wow, i thought i was the only one who was in love w/ Chris Collins.
From: Frank
Email: nirvana1229@aol.com
hey. I was just rummaging and found this place. Im from northbrook and I go to GBN. Chris Collins is damn slick. thats it. bye
From: chris collins
was up guy how u like my name
From: Susan Solfest
Email: iamamadbanana@hotmail.com
I just wanted to say that I think your great. You're talented, passionate, and most of all a nice guy. You must have inherrited a lot of trates from your dad, who is by the way my favorite coach of all time. Good luck to you at Duke, and I'd also like to say the best of luck to your dad in Washington. Doug, I've loved you in Chicago, Detroit, and now Washington, and I have a feeling that if I would have been born sooner, in ISU and Philidelphia. You're a great coach, and I have a feeling that everything is going to work out great with the Wizards. Well, I kind of dout if you guys even read this, but just in case, I thought I'd leave a message. Take care, and any basketball fans feel free to e-mail me. Love lots, Susan
From: niall cotter
Email: cottern@bsci.com
i love chris very much he is de best player and even a better friend i really miss u loads i just like to tell u i ended up with elaine dont be 2 jealous now
From: niall cotter
Email: cottern@bsci.com
i love chris very much he is de best player and even a better friend i really miss u loads i just like to tell u i ended up with elaine dont be 2 jealous now
From: Kristi
Email: claygirl98@hotmail.com
WOW! I didn't know Chris was such a popular guy! I thought I was the only one who was so cRaZy over him!!! He is definitely a QT! I've been in love with him ever since he was a freshmen @ Duke... and BOY did I cry when he graduated!! I was SO excited to see him come back to Duke... and now it's funny because when I watch the games.. my mom asks me if I'm watching "the game" or if I'm watching "Chris Collins"!!!! My reply, of course, is.. "I'm watching CHRIS!!" hehe! :) Go Blue Devils!
From: Susan Solfest
Email: iamamadbanana@hotmail.com
Hahahahahhahahahaha, people are still leaving mesconages on this page. I come back now and then to see what's new, and I think it's cool that Chris loyalists keep seeming to multiply. Anyway, keep it up, grin. You guys are spiffy. Go Devils!!!!!
From: Susan Solfest
Email: iamamadbanana@hotmail.com
Hahahahahhahahahaha, people are still leaving mesconages on this page. I come back now and then to see what's new, and I think it's cool that Chris loyalists keep seeming to multiply. Anyway, keep it up, grin. You guys are spiffy. Go Devils!!!!!
From: David
Email: david.caudle@sas.com
Chris, I was heartbroken when you got married. :) Hope you still enjoy the tapes.
Contributed links:
Contributed by: kyle
Email: .hhtp 20