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![]() | Araceae (Calla Family) |
Araceae (Calla Family) Characteristics: *very small flowers crowded on a spadix *a spathe present which may enclose the spadix, partly or wholly or stand alone Family: Araceae Genera and Species: Genus: Symplocarpus (skunk-cabbage) S. foetidus Genus: Arisaema A. triphyllum (Jack-in-the-pulpit) A. dracontium (green-dragon) Genus: Acorus A. calamus (sweet-flag or calamus) Genus: Peltandra P. virginica (arrow-arum) Genus: Calla C. palustris (water-arum) Genus: Orontium O. aquaticum (golden-club)
Contributed comments:
From: Fa. D. van Duijn
Email: 70125.1142@compuserve.com
Hi, we are growers of Zantedeschia. We have a lot of colours. Maybe you can tell us something about the things you know about Zantedeschias and perhaps you know something about Zantedeschia "Flame" Best regards, Arend van Duijn.
From: Ashleigh
Email: tredgolda@botany.unp.ac.za
Hi I am a student at the University of Natal Pietermaritzburg in South Africa. Currently I am reading Honours in Botany. One of my projects conserns the tissue culture of Zantedechia aethiopica and I was wondering if you had any interesting information for me. Thank you very much. Regards Ashleigh
From: Ian Gardner
Email: geophyte@iconz.co.nz
To Arend van Duijn, Hi,my name is Ian Gardner, and i am doing a year long project with regards to group 2, Zantedeschia's.Now it is obvious to me that you can be very helpful. There is not much information available with regards to postharvest treatments, and this is the sort of info i am looking for. Zantedeschia "Flame", is Z.elliottiana, it is a group 2 Zant., the colour is Flame-yellow, it doesn't have a dark throat,the leaves have maculations, and the average height is 50-60cm. Perhaps you should consider, getting , breeding or obtaining the orange cultivars, these were big sellers in Japan this year. The New Zealand Calla council is telling the growers to plant,c.v."Treasure", "Mango","Hazel Marie". However, you did not hear that from me.
Email: lford@clear.net.nz.
From: Vladimir Puntel
Email: vladf@tba.com.br
Hi, my name is Vladimir and I'm from Brazil. I'm starting to cultivate the White Calla. I'm looking for some information about this flower. Maybe, somebody could help me. Thank you
From: Armando Villareal
Email: avnovelo@fisher.autlan.udg.mx
HI everybody out there my name is Armando , about 3 three months ago we started growing the white Calla lily here in the valley of Autlan ,Mexico. I lack information about producction practices , and new hybrids in the market , is there anybody that could help me find literature related to this plant. specially in the area of pests and diseases. thank you very much
From: Ray
Email: Raymond.Giacobone@Moa.net
I want to germinate calla seeds. How is it done. Have had no success yet.
From: Ray
Email: Raymond.Giacobone@Moa.net
I want to germinate calla seeds. How is it done. Have had no success yet.
From: Mandy Brandenburg
Email: mbburg@siu.edu
Hello, I am doing an oral report on Calla lillies and I was wondering if anyone knew an approximate planting schedule. Thenk you for all your help!
From: Abraham Wien
Email: floracon@aol.com
We are interested in obtaining information on the cultivation of Zantendeschia for cut flower production wich is specific to our flower farm. Our farm is located in Costa Rica at 2000 meters above sea level and has a year round temperature which varies from 8 oC during the night to 25 oC during the day. Thank you very much.
From: Abraham Wien
Email: floracon@aol.com
We are interested in obtaining information on the cultivation of Zantendeschia for cut flower production wich is specific to our flower farm. Our farm is located in Costa Rica at 2000 meters above sea level and has a year round temperature which varies from 8 oC during the night to 25 oC during the day. Thank you very much.
From: Bill Watson
Email: bwatson@expressseed.com
Where can I find information on tissue culture of calla?
From: Carl Schwarzott
Email: Zbear777@aol.com
I have a bed of pastel callas called California Giants that are just one year old. I got the corms from Michigan Bulbs. There are many seeds in the bed which I think came from the callas. After the flowers have bloomed it seems that a seed pod develops in it's place. I'm quite unfamiliar with this plant and would appreciate any information on propagation. Thanks
From: Jose Sauceda
Email: jasauceda@yahoo.com
I am interested in obtaining information on the cultivation of zantendeschia for cut flower and bulbs production. I am Working for AGEXPRONT GUATEMALA. THANKS
From: Jose Sauceda
Email: jasauceda@yahoo.com
I am interested in obtaining information on the cultivation of zantendeschia for cut flower and bulbs production. I am Working for AGEXPRONT GUATEMALA. THANKS
From: Armineh
Email: mone@armental.com.
I am interested in white callas How to cultivate it.
From: Armineh
Email: mone@armental.com.
I am interested in white callas How to cultivate it.
From: Eric
Email: lees4ut@bellsouth.net
Our calla lillies have what looks like a seed pod, this pod developed after the lilly had flowered. Can this pod be used as a seed? if so how is it done? Thank You.
From: Jose A. Cepeda. R.
Email: agricolajancer@hotmail.com
I want to know where can i get plantlets from tissue culture of zantendeschia (calla lillies).
From: Bram Lokker
Email: 70125.1142@compuserve.com
Hello, We're two Plant Breeding students at Wageningen University (The Netherlands). At this moment we're taking a course at the Department of Plant Taxonomy. For this course we' re writing a paper on Zantedeschia (section Aestivae: the one's with non-white flowers). It will include a list with discriptions of new cultivars. This because the "International Checklist for Hyacinths and Miscellaneous Bulbs" published by the KAVB is rather incomplete and outdated. Any information about (new) Zantedeschia cultivars is welcome! Thank You.
From: Augusto Moreno
Email: augustomoreno@yahoo.com
We want to probe some bactericides in Erwinia on callas, please contact us to e-mail regards Augusto.
From: yanira
Email: yrios@multi.net.com
Hola!! Hello!! Please help me, ayuda por favor, todo acerca de la flor llamada "cartucho" aethiopica acfricana, calla, some information about its history, origen, etc... THANKS A LOT!!!!!!
From: Horacio Alvarez
Email: alfrealv@usa.net
Hello, I am interested in information about zantedeschia (physiology, diseases, pests, propagation ). I have information about roses and carnations
From: Kystri
Email: KBRADWERKS@aol.com
Help! I have planted calla lilies in my garden. I got one flower early on then nothing. The foliage is gorgeous but I like to see a few more blossoms. If you have some advice I would really appreciate it.
From: kati
Email: kvw925@HOTMAIL.COM
I was looking for some information on odering calla lillies for the month of June. i was hoping I could get information on some places that could send ship the flowers to the states at lower costs than going through flower shops. If you have any information that could help in any way, please let me know. i would appreciate your help!! Thank you
From: Phyllis
Email: pingle@ix.netcom.com
I am looking for information on growing calla lillies and arum lillies. Does anyone know where I can purchase seeds or bulbs and can they be grown in Northeast Florida? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I just returned from New Zealand and have never seen the arum lilly in the USA. Thanks!
Email: gmbishop@isoa.net
I have a white calla lilly that has bloomed one time since I bought it. I thought it had died, because I had not seen the green top at all above the bed. The weather is getting cold here, South Ga., so I went out and dug around in the bed and saw the root. There were multiple bulbs in the ground, so I dug them up and brought them in the house and put them in water. The bulbs had roots when I dug them up. Will they survive in water, or should I plant them in pots? Should I keep them inside where it is warm? Please help me save the Calla Lilly!
From: renato
Email: multicoisas@iscc.com.br
procuro orientacoes para cultivo de calla
From: Connie O"Brien
Email: obsenior@free.net.nz
I am trying to Tissue Culture Calla Lillies and would love to know the protocolcan any one help Many thanks.
From: eva sierra
Email: evasierrar@latinmail.com
I am interested in white callas How to cultivate it.Any help would be greatly appreciated! I need you all information about its.
From: Ronald Hoffman
Email: rhof102041@aol.com
I'm trying to grow Calla Lillys from a bulb. I live in Yakima Wa.,very hot in summer. Where to plant shade ect.? How much water? Soil? Thanks
From: Michael Artime
Email: Michaelt@bbvnet.com
I'm considering the possibility of planting different varieties of coloured Callas. I know where to get the bulbs but after this and in order to obtain by my own seeds.. I need a kind of "manual" to achieve my independence from distributors and be thoroughly autonomous. Would anyone help me with any kind of information about zanthedeschia cares?
From: Donna Wendling
Email: bigmoAcenturytel.net
Hi, I just got a beautiful White Calla Lily for Easter from my husband and I am not sure what to do with it when it comes time to plant it out side. If there is anyone out there who can help me please send me a little information. I need all the help I can get.
From: Matthew Fetterman
Email: mattfett@mars.utm.edu
I am looking for information on calla lilies and breeding. If you have any information, books, or web sites, I would appreciate it Thanks
From: thandi
Email: moja@iafrica.com
i am interested,in obtaining infomation on the cultivation of zantendeschia for flower production9physiology,diseases,pests,propagation.marketing and cost effective way of heating tunnels.i am in the free state (bloemfontein) south africa i will appreciate if somebody can help
From: beatrice ngayu
Email: bngayu@yahoo.com
I would like to know more on tissue culturing of the calla lilies. thanks.
From: Tamara
Email: tammyzampa@hotmail.com
Hey, I am doing a major work for textiles at the moment and as part of my design I need to know the history of the calla lilly, when it was first used and how it was adapted to weddings. Please help if you have any information about the historical background of calla lillies
From: Emily Tese
Email: etese@marchon.com
My daughter is getting married next May 10, 2001 and she would like to have Calla Lillies for her bouquet and the bridesmaids. What is the season for "Calla Lillies" and will she be able to have them? Are they more expensive than roses? Are there different colors to them? I was told a long time ago that you should carry only nine Calla Lillies, is this true?
From: Julie
Email: masstard@aol.com
I was given some Calla Lillies from a friend...how beautiful they are! I want to grow some for myself. Are they a bulb, do they bloom for just a season or all summer, where do I buy them and when, what are their exposure, soil and water requirements, how many blooms can I expect from one plant, and how many years before they are established enough to produce blooms for clipping? Also, I haven't been able to locate a website for basic information on plants, can you name one?
From: Gaye
Email: tinymighty40@aol.com
I would like to grow Calla Lillies for myself in containers. I am a beginner with gardenting so I need help. How do I get started, when should I plant the bulbs, how many should I plant in a container and what should I do after they bloom. Do I need to cut them down or leave them while they are dorment. Is there a wesite for basic information on plants or one for the gardener who is just getting started.
From: Carlos ochoa
Email: cgochoaf@hotmail.com
I m interested in geting bulbs of zantedeschia (calla), i can do some trade with some other species or varities. Please contact me. Tkanks.
From: Alyce
Email: agraha77@calvin.edu
My boyfriend gave me a pink Calla lily in late April. I kept it in the little pot it came in until June, at which point I transferred it to a larger pot. It survived the transfer and continued blooming until mid-July. I keep it on a windowsill where it gets morning sun and I water it faithfully, but the leaves are starting to get limp and dry. Do I need to let it die back and lie dormant for a while in order for the bulb to rejuvinate? Is there anything I can do? If this plant dies, I will be devastated. I don't have many plants, so any basic advice will be heeded and appreciated. Thanks in advance for helping me save my beloved plant!
From: Lisa
Email: lisaludlow@hotmail.com
I am getting married in the British Vigin Islands in 5 weeks time and want to know how Calla Lilly's stand up in heat and humidity. I understand that they come in white, shades of yellow, pink to deep rose, orange to chinese red, salmon, burgandy, black and green. Do they come in Ivory as this is the colour of my dress. Are some colours more easily available than others in November and what should I expect to pay per stem? Any help most appreciated.
From: Marcus venicius Pires
Email: marcus@invitro-biotec.com.br
I am interested in obtaining infomation on the cultivation of zantendeschia for cut flower.
From: candice
Email: c9670132@yahoo.com
My horticulture teacher gave me some calla lily seeds? Does anybody know how to grow them from seeds? I was under the impression that they were bulbs or tubers. But I may be wrong. But if anybody knows how to grow them, Please tell me.
From: Barry
Email: uweschroder@yahoo.com
I am looking for information on Arum lilly's
From: Melissa T
Email: Rockpuppy67@hotmail.com
Hi,I need some information on the calla lilly because I can't find any websites that have information on that.If you could tell me about it or just suggest some websites that'll be great.Thank You.
From: hugo haimovici
Email: hrh@dd.com.ar
I need information on calla lilly comercial production. I would appreciate very much if anyone can send me this information and varieties
From: Ricardo Guedez
Email: ricardoguedez04@hotmail.com
I would like to be informed how can I obtain a large and strong stem on colored Calla Lilly, we use GA but so far the results are not satisfactory, our farm is at 2.000 meters altitude and temperature avrg of 16o. centigrades, all bulbs are pre-treated size 2-1/4
From: Barbara Mayhall
Email: mayhallm@aol.com
I just received a calla lily. It has small yellow blooms in a container around 8". Will it do okay in the house or better in the yard? I really think it is beautiful. The only other lily I have are peace lilies and they do very well in my home. Can you help? Thanks.
From: J.F.Oreamuno
Email: turboman@globalxs.nl
We have experience in growing non traditional flowers in Latin America, Zantedeschias is one of them. As consultants, we will be pleased to support growers in getting the rigth varieties the rigth quality and the rigth trade chanels. If more info is needed jut e-mail me. The best
From: Denis Fallat
Email: carden4@sympatico.ca
Could you please tell me is the calla bulb a corm or tuber rhizome? Thank you
From: Francisco Escobar
Email: paco@loveroses.com
Hi, I am thinking to grow calla lili, and I need information about, fertilization, deseases, erwinia, irrigation. Thanks.
From: April
Email: april.dugan@langley.af.mil
I love calla lillies. They are just so beautiful!! I just bought my first plant and would like all the information on them as possiable. Anything and everything. I want to know everything about them. So if anyone can help!!! Please do!
From: April
Email: april.dugan@langley.af.mil
I love calla lillies. They are just so beautiful!! I just bought my first plant and would like all the information on them as possiable. Anything and everything. I want to know everything about them. So if anyone can help!!! Please do!
From: April
Email: april.dugan@langley.af.mil
I love calla lillies. They are just so beautiful!! I just bought my first plant and would like all the information on them as possiable. Anything and everything. I want to know everything about them. So if anyone can help!!! Please do!
From: Carlos Andres Hincapie
Email: caraniga@hotmail.com
Hello, I'm little calla producer in Colombia (white and yellow), I'd like get bulbs of different variety about this flower to cultivate. So if anybody may help .I'll thanks
From: Mar a de Jes s
Email: cladograma@yahoo.com
Hi, my name is Mary and I need information about fertilization, diseases and irrigation of Calla lily. It there anybody that could help me find information related to this plant, specially in the area of micropropagation and tissue culture, please send me. Thank you.
From: Deborah
Email: d_carleton@juno.com
I have 2 white calla lily's and 2 flame yellow. I got the yellow ones today!! I wanted to get other colors but dont know where. can anyone help? I live in the San Fransisco bay area, in California.
From: Piki Parker
Email: pikiparker@hotmail.com
I am trying to find the growmers of hothouse calla lilly bulbs in Tauranga NZ. I think the husbands name is Artie but I've forgotten his wifes christian name and their sirname. I know they have a laboratory with their hothouse business of calla's. Does anyone know of them. Please contact me if you do. Thanks Piki
From: Piki Parker
Email: pikiparker@hotmail.com
I am trying to find the growmers of hothouse calla lilly bulbs in Tauranga NZ. I think the husbands name is Artie but I've forgotten his wifes christian name and their sirname. I know they have a laboratory with their hothouse business of calla's. Does anyone know of them. Please contact me if you do. Thanks Piki
From: ben
Email: bob@bob.com
skunk smelly poop lick a croch
From: ben
Email: bob@bob.com
skunk smelly poop lick a croch
From: ronda
Email: Peasl1@aol.com
Looking for a website on Calla Lillys about how to take care of them, when fall comes. Like what do you do with the bulbs. Can anyone help?
From: Belia
Email: satnrosee@hotmail.com
I received a calla lilly plant for this past mother's day. The plant got to be too big for the pot it came in, so I re-potted it. It was growing great in the house, but now that it is outside, the leaves break off as if the ends are too heavy for the stem. I don't have it in direct light and my cats are no longer eating on it. Any suggestions on how I can make it grow outwards and not just upwards?
From: Laura
Email: rl.ugi@verizon.net
Help! No one seems to know what colors calla lillies come in. I'm getting married in Nov. 2002 and want ot use callas. The florists don't seem to have answers for me. Could someone direct me to a web site or someplace that could give me a list of colors...better yet I'd love to see pictures of all colors available.
From: Laura
Email: rl.ugi@verizon.net
Help! No one seems to know what colors calla lillies come in. I'm getting married in Nov. 2002 and want ot use callas. The florists don't seem to have answers for me. Could someone direct me to a web site or someplace that could give me a list of colors...better yet I'd love to see pictures of all colors available.
From: yas
Email: yas_jafari@hotmail.com
hi Ineed infrmation about calla lily (the effect stress on flowering,propagation) thank you
From: michelle
Email: andyandcheley@hotmail.com
My calla lilly plant wont bloom.it is big and healthy but no blooms.Any advice?
From: melville bernardo
From: Ver nica Soler
Email: veronehemias@hotmail.com
I need to find out information of the flower called Zanthedeschia aethiopica. Thank you for sending it. Could it be in Spanish?
From: Arlene Crossan
Email: aac@kiskinet.com
I live in western Pennsylvania (Zone 5). When do I dig out the calla lilly bulbs for the winter. Do I have to wait to the plant leaves to die back.
From: Burnu Watkins
Email: burnu@gci.com
Could you tell me how much direct sunlight callas need? Also, approximately how long is the bloom season?
From: Dani l
Email: ddeinum@hotmail.com
For a project for school i must grow Zantedeschia in tissue culture. The problem is I don't kno which hormones i need for growing the plant. Can please anybody tell me wich and how?
From: Vctor Rodriguez
Email: biekelibre69@terra.com
I need information about Spathiphyllum sp., morphologic descriptions, leaves diseases and the patogens life's cycle. Thank you.
From: David van der Walt
Email: daviddw@intekom.co.za
From: Sadna Ramnawaz
Email: sramnawaz@yahoo.com
hi, i would like to know which cultivars are suitable to grow in a tropical country like mauritius and please give the requirement that is necessary to grow zantedechia
From: Carolina
Email: alunah9814275@yahoo.com
Soy estudiante de la carrera de Admon. de Empresas en Honduras, quisiera saber si me podrian enviar informaci n referente a la maquinaria que se utiliza en la fabricaci n de velas arom ticas,todo lo que tenga que ver con ello como ser:cotizaciones de precios, proveedores, capacidad de producci n, medidas etc.
From: Carolina
Email: alunah9814275@yahoo.com
Soy estudiante de la carrera de Admon. de Empresas en Honduras, quisiera obtener informaci n sobre la materia prima o insumos que se necesitan para la elaboraci n de velas, asi como sus proveedores en Honduras.
From: Carolina
Email: alunah9814275@yahoo.com
Soy estudiante de la carrera de Admon. de Empresas en Honduras, quisiera obtener informaci n sobre las empresas que fabrican velas arom ticas en Honduras.
From: hazelle grace
Email: blackladybug182@yahoo.com
i want to know waht is the history of calla lily..... thanks!!!!
From: andrea
Email: kilikili81@hotmail.com
hola soy andrea, estudiante de biolog a, me gustar a que alquien me puediera dar informaci n acerca de la micropropagaci n por rizomas de Zantedeschia elliottiana.
From: Leszek
Email: antek83@wp.pl
Hi I'm a gardener from Poland, and I want to start growing the Zantedeshias. I'm looking for an info about where can I buy the bulbs. And any information about how to grow it. Im'm interesting in buying color Zantedeschias for flowers.
From: Debdemona
Email: Debdemona@debdemona.com
Im a collector of Calla Lilies and have looked up information and found some great links to information ,i also belong to a yahoo calla lily group that if anyone is interested in calla lilies is welcome.im adding a link to a site i find some great reading
From: Debdemona
Email: debdemona@debdemona.com
here is the url for calla information http://www.callas.net.nz/article.php?sid=61 also the yahoo calla lily group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zantedeschia/
Email: richyoso76@hotmail.com
Hola, soy Ecuatoriano, curso por mi carrera agronomica y necesito la ayuda de personas que produscan, propagen, comercialicen, y vendan Callas de colores, Zantedeschias o comunmente llamados cartuchos .............no duden en pedir otra informaci n estamos para ayudarnos
Email: richyoso76@hotmail.com
Hola, soy Ecuatoriano, curso por mi carrera agronomica y necesito la ayuda de personas que produscan, propagen, comercialicen, y vendan Callas de colores, Zantedeschias o comunmente llamados cartuchos .............no duden en pedir otra informaci n estamos para ayudarnos
Email: frida@telkomsa.net
How do I grow Calla Seed? I believe I have to put them in hot water for12? hours lay it on top of growing media ,press it firmly down,and keep it in a dark room. HOW HOT MUST THE WATER BE?For how long must it be in the hot water?What is the pecentage germination I should get? Please HELP!
From: Lynn
Email: lynn.acton@sympatico.ca
In Canada it's getting cold, I have three potted 1ft high calla's, what to do for the winter?
From: Lynn
Email: lynn.acton@sympatico.ca
In Canada it's getting cold, I have three potted 1ft high calla's, what to do for the winter?
From: Amandeep Virk
Email: pound4pound@hotmail.com
Hi, i am currently doing a project on Callas for Primary Production and Marketing, can any one please tell me the yearly operations in Callas Orchards. eg. Spraying and Harvesting. In New Zealand preferably. Also a brief explanation of the process of the operation and/or its reason. Thank You
From: latha
Email: hlatha79@yahoo.com
hai, i am doing research work on micropropagation of anthurium species.i would be thankful if i get information on invitro propagation of anthurium species.
From: Juan
Email: drvaillant@aol.com
Hi there: I live in Brooklyn,N.Y.and for many years I have tried to grow white calla lillies without success. I get a lot of folliage but no flowers. I am started to suspect that it may have something to do with the sudden arrival of hot wether which may stunt the development of flowers. This is Zone 6b-7. Any hints? I would appreciate your comments, Thanks, JUAN
From: Jalisa Walton
Email: lwwalton@hotmail.com
I would like a production schedule for calla lilies. I need to know from start to finish on the time schedule for Georgia.
From: Rakibul Bari
Email: rakibul.bk@brac.net
I am doing research work on micropropagation of anthurium species.I would be thankful if I get information on invitro propagation of anthurium species.
Contributed links: