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![]() | Genera in the Monocots |
GENERA in the Monocots: Acorus Agave Alisma Allium Aplectrum Arethusa Arisaema Belamcanda Calla Calopogon Calypso Camassia Chamaelirium Cleistes Clintonia Commelina Corallorhiza Cypripedium Eichhornia Elodea Epipactis Erythronium Galanthus Goodyera Habenaria Hemerocallis Heteranthera Hypoxis Iris Isotria Lemna Leucojum Lilium Liparis Listera Maianthemum Malaxis Medeola Melanthium Narcissus Nothoscordum Orchis Ornithogalum Orontium Peltandra Pogonia Polygonatum Pontederia Potamogeton Sagittaria Sisyrinchium Smilacina Smilax Spiranthes Stenanthium Streptopus Symplocarpus Tradescantia Trillium Triphora Typha Uvularia Vallisneria Veratrum Zygadenus [Return to menu]
Contributed comments:
From: andrea
Email: andrea@aol.com
i love you
From: wendy
Email: trubbel67
thanks because it helped with my project
From: Jason
Email: JH6000
Your site is really helpful. I came here to find out things for a science report and found more information than I needed. I gaurantee I will bookmark this site so I can come back. Keep up th Great Work!
From: Cathy
Email: cathybuzzard@hotmail.com
is that all that there is, a list, I need more information, especially about peltandra virginica HELP
From: Juan Fernando Nieto
Email: jfnieto@yahoo.com
I need a "Heteranthera reniformis" picture
From: Kazzy
Email: kazzy@yahoo.com
This is a great place to go if you need any info! I love you all Thank you so much! P.S. if there are any cute guys reading this e-mail me P.SS. I love you all!
From: Kazzy
Email: kazzy@yahoo.com
This is a great place to go if you need any info! I love you all Thank you so much! P.S. if there are any cute guys reading this e-mail me P.SS. I love you all!
From: Kazzy
Email: kazzy@yahoo.com
This is a great place to go if you need any info! I love you all Thank you so much! P.S. if there are any cute guys reading this e-mail me P.SS. I love you all!
From: Kazzy
Email: kazzy@yahoo.com
This is a great place to go if you need any info! I love you all Thank you so much! P.S. if there are any cute guys reading this e-mail me P.SS. I love you all!
From: Jaymes Zemek
Email: 005120@pop.aldridgeshs.qld.edu.au
I'm doing an assignment on the growth of monocots, when suffering from different nutrient deficiencies. They are N, P, and K. It would be a real big help if you could send me relevent info. on this topic ASAP. Thank you. Jaymes Zemek.
From: Gasteria maculata
Email: gasteria@hotmail.com
A great resource. Congratulations.
From: Charo
Email: joe22man@edsamail.com.ph
Hello, Im doing a research on the antimitotic activity of colchicine on planaria sp. However, im also looking for alternative sources of colchicine aside from colchicum autumnale. pls help. Thanks
From: Adam
Email: stonie000@hotmail.com
Tell me about true secondry growth and diffuse secondry growth. I cant find it any where.
From: Moe
Email: barbie_girl84@lovemail.com
Show some pics of monocots and dicots, it wouldn't hurt ya know.
From: Ko-Ko
From: nea
Email: neogeo14@aol.com
hey bitch your site sucked, hahahaa eat shit motherfucker, and die tooo!!!
From: the sweet bitch
Email: suckme@aol.com
hey your monocot site was fucking weak , like your dick , hahaa what the fuck are you doing here , you piece of silly shit, yeah thats right motherfucker, hahahahahaa, listen to this bitch, monocots dominate, and you sir/whore, are a silly bitch who dosen't know how to do shit , and little bitch
From: Poom-Poom- Conqueror
Email: poompse@hotmail.com
poom poom fat, poom poom slim,poom poom wicked,poom poom dim!poom poom lazy,poom poom trim!
From: Poom-Poom- Conqueror
Email: poompse@hotmail.com
poom poom fat, poom poom slim,poom poom wicked,poom poom dim!poom poom lazy,poom poom trim!
From: Poom-Poom- Conqueror
Email: poompse@hotmail.com
poom poom fat, poom poom slim,poom poom wicked,poom poom dim!poom poom lazy,poom poom trim!
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