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![]() | Lemnaceae |
Lemnaceae Characteristics: Family: Lemnaceae (Duckweed Family) Genera and Species: Genus: Lemna (duckweed)
Contributed comments:
From: Joshua Dimon
Email: joshsd@uclink4.berkeley.edu
needs more info. specific species, strains, characteristics, etc.
From: Meghan MCcann and Erin CAnty
Email: Meghan07.hotmail.com
Hi, we are in need of help! we are doing a project on duckweed due on Fri, if you have any info you can share please help us! Any info greatly apprecaited! THanks again
From: Robert Greene
Email: greene@a1.mos.org
Looking for general information on the structure and function of Lemna and Wolffia, especially interested in their flower structures. Got any pictures? Thanks, Bob Greene, curator of the greenhouse exhibit at the museum of Science-Boston.
From: JoAnn Bodell
Email: Bodejoan@ISU.edu
If anyone has a good method for retarding algae growth when culturing native duckweed let me know quickly, quickly, quickly. :
From: edgar godbey
Email: edgarg@opel.mindspring.com
Does anyone know of a simple experiment, appropriate for a sixth grade classroom) designed to measure the growth of duckweed? (variables, controls, limiting factors) thanks to those who have provided the above and for any help you may offer. E. Godbey
From: Szabo Sandor
Does enyone know a research goup works on wastewater treatment by duckweed species, interaction between aquatic microorganisms (algae, bacteria and fungi) and duckweed. Interaction between Lemna species and other water plants (allelopathy, competition). I woul like to join a research group with the aid of Fullbright Scholarship. Thanks for the help you may offer. Sandor Szabo
From: Missy Weimer
Email: Weimer@arelia.princeton.edu
I am currently working on a research project, on the factors that stimulate duckweed growth, and if that is an indicator of poor water quality. Being that duckweed likes to "suck up" nitrates and phosphates. Thanks for any applicable info!
From: Maira Pires
Email: mairap@mailcity.com
I am doing some research on duckweed, but most especifically on how oil spills and other pollutants affect the growth of duckweed(spirodella species). If ypu can give me any info, please send it to me a.s.a.p., thanks a lot!
From: Maira Pires
Email: mairap@mailcity.com
I am doing some research on duckweed, but most especifically on how oil spills and other pollutants affect the growth of duckweed(spirodella species). If ypu can give me any info, please send it to me a.s.a.p., thanks a lot!
From: Lisa Mantha
Email: lmantha@indiana.edu
I'm doing research on duckweed and I need information on how temperature affects its growth.
From: Lisa Mantha
Email: lmantha@indiana.edu
I'm doing research on duckweed and I need information on how temperature affects its growth.
From: Gaby S.
Email: guessall @hotmail.com
anybody out there???? i'm doing some reaserch on duckweed for my senior science investigation class. does anybody have any research topics ??????? help !!!!!
From: Kimberly Hillsman
Email: khillsma@cvgs.k12.va.us
I am doing a research project on the effects of lemna on the uptake of Iron in water. Any information for me??? It would be most appreciated!
From: Jill Wilson
Email: wilso149@pilot.msu..edu
I am doing a research project on duckweed and how pollution affects it. our pollutants are: gasoline, fertilizer, and salt. Any knowledge, help, or info relating to our topic would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
From: Jill Wilson
Email: wilso149@pilot.msu..edu
I am doing a research project on duckweed and how pollution affects it. our pollutants are: gasoline, fertilizer, and salt. Any knowledge, help, or info relating to our topic would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
From: Jill Wilson
Email: wilso149@pilot.msu..edu
I am doing a research project on duckweed and how pollution affects it. our pollutants are: gasoline, fertilizer, and salt. Any knowledge, help, or info relating to our topic would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
From: Sandor Szabo
Im would like to know the concentration of iron, manganese molybdenum and zinc for minimal growth of duckweed Lemna gibba. Thanks for any help. Sandor Szabo
From: Fadhl Al-Nozaily
Email: Noz@ihe.nl
I am working on duckweed for wastewater treatment, is any body knows any research done on the effect of hydrogen sulphide on duckweed growth? please help me.
From: Adam
Email: DaBomb912@aol.com
Hi I am a 10th grader at Monroe High School in Monroe, Washington. We are doing a lab in biology right now that pretains to water samples and such. Our goal: to determine where our water sample came from. I have narrowed down our choices to either a lake, or a pond.(could it be sewage water too?) Here is where i get stuck. How can I prove to my biology teacher that the water is from a lake or a pond. I have no idea what kind of experiment I should do. The water contains duckweed, rotting leaves and sediment, algae, and other things that are very common to both lake and pond. What could I look for? What could I do? Any help would be very appreciated as quickly as possible. Thank you Adam Coady DaBomb912@aol.com
From: Graeme Mochrie
Email: gbm21@cus.cam.ac.uk
My present research is looking at relationships between nitrate, ammonia and cytokinins in Spirodela polyrhiza. I'd be pleased to hear from anyone with knowledge of hormone systems in duckweed, transport of nutrients, signaling mechanisms or cytokinin binding proteins.
From: Alisha Wilfong
Email: djbabbit@swbell.net
HELP!! I'm doing a science project on pollution in aquatic plants. I'm not having any luck finding anything. Duckweed is my main focus. Could you please send me any information that you have. I've looked everywhere. Thank you tons!
From: Kerri
Email: AmberP72@aol.com
I am doing a science project on how crude oil affects duckweed. If you have ANY info on duckweed, crude oil, or both (anything) I would be very appreciative and I will promise to return the favor some how!!!! Thanks a milllllllllion!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Kristin Krupa
Email: angelica11@hotmail.com
we have a project due on thursday and i have not much on it, if any of you people have some i would be greatly appreciative, thanks so much! GOD BLESS!!!
From: Brian J. Kim
Email: Kimjaywoo@aol.com
I think it is hilarious that (1) almost every posting here is from students desperately looking for info/guidance for their duckweed projects, and (2) there are no posted responses to help out the "my project is due on Friday" people.
From: Lee Thach
Email: thachl@usa.net
I am doing my senior project on the effects of duckweed on an ecosystem. if you have any information I would be appreciative. Thanks
From: Matthias Eberius
Email: matthias.eberius@post-rwth-aachen.de
I am workng on an automatic system to count for example the fronds of duchweed to make ecotoxicologic biotests with lemna. Furthermore we are developing the lemna growth inhibition test to use it with soil extracts for risk assessment. We have a lot of literature. Anyone interested in the biotest-system?
From: Caroline Shilcock
Email: LShilcock@aol.com
Heya! Ive done an A-Level research project on the effects of eutrophication (nitrates and phosphates from agriculture and sewage) so if you need some help ive got lots of info. Give me an E-mail and id be happy to help!
From: Alexandria
Email: KBraneff
I am a senoir in an ecology class were given an open ended lab on duckweed, what effects it growth, how can I get my duckweed to grow better, any info possible. Please help me grow the best duckweed! Thanks!
From: scott
Email: attreed@lowestoft92.freeserve.co.uk
From: Katie
Email: Tiger_Love01@hotmail.com
Hello.My name is Katie and I am doing a sophomore project that my school has us do to graduate from high school.I am trying to get info on how acid affects the growth of duckweed.I am in majoir need of info.If you have any info regarding to my problem please email me and tell me.Thanks.
From: Soni
Email: azra.asghar@diamond.co.uk
This is an urgent cry from the dark....anyone got a clue bout the effects of wavelength on lemna?!?!? Lemna, lemna - ur driving me MAD!! Please up keep me sane?!?!? Please?
From: Anna
Email: jamac@globalnet.co.uk
I'm doing an A-level study on the effect of nitrate on the growth of Lemna. If anyone has any info. please tell me about it. I'm having a major stress coz I've got to hand it in tommorow!!!!!!!1
From: Matthias Eberius
Email: matthias.eberius@lemnatec.de
I am workng on an automatic system to count for example the fronds of duckweed to make ecotoxicologic biotests with lemna. Furthermore we are developing the lemna growth inhibition test to use it with soil extracts for risk assessment. We have a lot of literature. Anyone interested in the biotest-system or literature? Visit also www.lemnatec.de for literature and links on duckweed.
From: Kim Vettori
Email: robyn@wave.co.nz
I am doing an assignment on Lemna Minor and I need an experiment to carry out in order to watch the growth rate. I was thinking about light intensity does anyone have any ideas. I would be very grateful thanks Kim.
From: Faisal Al-Babtain
Email: babtain@hotmail.com
I'm doing a study on the possibility of growing Duckweed commercially in the Middle East area. I specially want to know the effect of high temperature and dry weather on duckweed growth. Any other information is greatly appreciated.
From: james harting
Email: c_h_2@hotmail.com
I am doing a research paper in my college class on duckweed growth influenced by pH. If anyone has a paper, or example introduction, it would really be appreciated. Thanks very much.
From: clay
Email: bcveasey@unity.ncsu.edu
hello, i am seriously trying to kill duckweed on my fishing pond. Any suggestions, please help. thanks
From: jackie
Email: shimmi28@bolt.com
would you be able to get some pics? It would help me identify unlabbeled plants. thanx.
From: jackie
Email: shimmi28@bolt.com
would you be able to get some pics? It would help me identify unlabbeled plants. thanx.
From: Rebecca Staley
Email: BStaley@MylanLabs.com
I am looking for any and all information you have on Duck weed and how it is associated with Carp.
From: Kyle Richards
Email: kyle@carthage.edu
Hi! I am doing a project on duckweed, and if anyone knows what kind of respiration is conducted by duckweeds I would greatly appreciate it!
From: Amdrana
Email: zelly18@hotmail.com
Hey if anybody needss help with a Lemna project let me know, i just got doen with mine!
From: Kate
Email: dprice0717@aol.com
hi im doing a project on the affect of pollutants(oil, fertilizer, and something else that i havent figured out) on duckweed and i wondering if anyone could send me any info about this topic??
From: Bill
Email: bracken@biology.usu.edu
Looking for recent literature on the duckweed systematics and ecology. I've tried looking on Current Contents, but can't find anything recent. Suggestions??
From: Marie
Email: pixiegold1@hotmail.com
Wow. everyone has projects on duckweed i have a couple ?'s on duckweed but any info would be greatly apprecciated
From: Oksana
Email: GoncharovaOV@yandex.ru
Looking for information about Wolffia Arrhiza:colour- changing depends on life enviroment, absorbation and fluoriscence. Thanks.
From: Cristina
Email: allegrini_mcriss@hotmail.com
I need informations about Lemna sp. and studies on dry-weight Thanks
From: matty
Email: 96youngm@stbenets.rmplc.co.uk
From: T.C.Chiu
Email: drtcchiu@idola.net.id
looking for the information on the possibility of growing duckweed as a crop in large scale and the technology to convert fresh duckweed into a dry storable animal feed stuff. Anyone has the investment fisibility study or experience please give advise thank you!!!!
From: gerry
Email: ge1952
hi, i have some duckweed on my half acre pond,, and i don't like it there,,, does anyone know how i can get rid of it without hurting the fish? thanks....
From: gerry
Email: ge1952
hi, i have some duckweed on my half acre pond,, and i don't like it there,,, does anyone know how i can get rid of it without hurting the fish? thanks....
From: steph
Email: steph_81@yahoo.com
I'm doing a lemna research project and was wondering how cola can negatively affect the lemna, besides kill them.
From: Wendy
Email: gobbyb@hotmail.com
i really urgently need info on duckweed and the effects of detergents- ANYTHING WILL HELP ME thanxxx!!!!!!
From: Nikki
Email: nikki_848@hotmail.com
I'm doing an assignment on Lemna Minor and it's habitat, ecological niche and adaptive features. If anyone can help me with any information I'd be very grateful :) thanks!
From: Nikki
Email: nikki_848@hotmail.com
I'm doing an assignment on Lemna Minor and it's habitat, ecological niche and adaptive features. If anyone can help me with any information I'd be very grateful :) thanks!
From: Nikki
Email: nikki_848@hotmail.com
I'm doing an assignment on Lemna Minor and it's habitat, ecological niche and adaptive features. If anyone can help me with any information I'd be very grateful :) thanks!
From: Aida Maria Lima
Email: aida.lima@clix.pt
i am writing my MSc thesis proposal and i need some information about the efficiency of Duckweed as an alternative or Waste water treatment. Can someone help me...thank you very much!
From: Aida Maria Lima
Email: aida.lima@clix.pt
i am writing my MSc thesis proposal and i need some information about the efficiency of Duckweed as an alternative or Waste water treatment. Can someone help me...thank you very much!
From: Dora Wan
Email: d_and_peanut@hotmail.com
i'm doing a plant investigation on Lemna Minor and as part of it, i need to find its niche etc, and also, what effects does the defficiency of PO4, NO3, K, have on the growth of lemna.... if you can help, I would be extremely grateful!!!
From: sundeep velji
Email: sundeep@ucc.ac.tz
am doing my research in wastewater treatment using duckweed pond system if any one like to assist me please send me the information
From: Anna-Lisa
Email: dolphinzrool@hotmail.com
i am doing a school progect. any info would be gratefull. thank you.
From: katie
Email: dolphinzrool@hotmail.com
pls help me. i don't have any info, and i need at least a page. info on how fertilises affect duckweed or just anything on lemna would be greatly appreciated.
From: Anna
Email: aljw22@hotmail.com
i need info on the effects of detergents on duckweed. now! thanx
From: Gehan
Email: Gehan_me@hotmail.com
Please can you help me? I am doing an investigation on THE EFFECT OF NITROGEN FERTILIZERS ON THE GROWTH OF LEMNACEAE. any kingd of info will do. thanx
From: Gehan
Email: Gehan_me@hotmail.com
Please can you help me? I am doing an investigation on THE EFFECT OF NITROGEN FERTILIZERS ON THE GROWTH OF LEMNACEAE. any kingd of info will do. thanx
From: megan
Email: megan.bornholdt@mnsu.edu
i am doing a research project on how oil effects the growth of duckweed (lemna) can anyone give me some suggestions on where to find information on this subject? thanks a lot!
From: anna
Email: annamclennan70@hotmail.com
Im doing a project on lemna minor(duckweed)and need info on its adaptive features for leaf,flowers etc. Thanks
From: sundeep vasram
Email: sundeep@ucc.ac.tz
hello am doing my research on waste water treatment using duckweeds for polishing uasb effluent.please help if u have any information???????????
From: Adriana S nchez Chaves
Email: adrisanch77@hotmail.com
hello, I m very interested about the practical results with Dukcweed sistems to treatment of raw wastewater,mainly around pathogen removal. Thank you, Adriana
From: Engineer/ Yosry Kamel Riad
Email: engykr@yahoo.com
Hello Iam doing my research on wastewater treatment project design,upgrade, and icreesing capacity
From: Ari Vargas
Email: arisvg@bol.com.br
Sou estudante de biologia ,estou tentando fazer um projeto de cultivo de wolffia.Gostaria de saber se tem alguem que possa me ajudar,gostaria de saber formula es nutritivas para o cultivo,teor de proteinas e amino cidos da wolffia.Etoda a informa o que puderem me conseguir.Obrigado.Abra os a todos.
From: Nurhafiza Mohd Haniff
Email: kaakooi79@yahoo.com
I'm doing a research project untitle Utilization of Lemnaceae wolffia agusta as a protein source for poultry feed. I would like to ask, How to measure growth of duckweed ? What is the standard medium nutrient required for culture duckweed in fibre glass tank. How long duckwed can survive after we took them out from their place, (meaning, put in the small plastik container)? Are we have to put water pump in the tank for oxigen supply?
From: jodi
Email: jodi200@hotmail.com
Hey! I need info about duckweed 4 my skool project, ne ideas??
From: luke
Email: g.t.barry@ncl.ac.uk
Hi. i am studying the effects of salt on lemna. Any infomtion would be appreciated
Contributed links:
Contributed by: teddy anaxagoras
Email: phantom204
Contributed by: Sandor Szabo
Email: szabos@ny1.bgytf.hu
Contributed by: Sandor Szabo
Email: szabos@ny1.bgytf.hu
Babalouie's Duckweed Home Page
Contributed by: Louis Landesman
Email: lxl7392@usl.edu
Sandor Szabo's research of interest, publication and CV. Research: Wastewater treatment by the application of duckweeds. Biotic interactions (allelopathy and competition) among algae, bacteria, and duckweeds. Decomposition of duckweed species
Contributed by: Sandor Szabo
Email: szabos@agy.bgytf.hu
Sandor Szabo's research of interest, publication and CV. Research: Wastewater treatment by the application of duckweeds. Biotic interactions (allelopathy and competition) among algae, bacteria, and duckweeds. Decomposition of duckweed species
Contributed by: Sandor Szabo
Email: szabos@agy.bgytf.hu
English and German Downloads about Lemna and Biotests
Contributed by: Vandenhirtz
Email: info@lemnatec.de