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![]() | Orchidaceae (Orchid Family) |
Orchidaceae (Orchid Family) Characteristics: *roots of all orchids are assoicated with fungi *six perianth parts, three outer parts are sepals often but not always colored differently from the three petals *flower bilateral *one or two stamens, the style, and the stigma are all joined forming the column *ovary inferior *seeds are very small Family: Orchidaceae Genera and Species: Genus: Cypripedium (lady'-slippers or moccasin-flower) C. acaule (stemless lady's-slipper) C. calceolus (yellow lady's-slipper) C. candidum (white lady's-slipper) C. reginae (showy lady's slipper) C. arietinum (ram's-head) Genus: Calopogon C. pulchellus (grass-pink) Genus: Malaxis (adder's-mouth) M. unifolia (green adder's-mouth) M. brachypoda (white adder's mouth) M. monophyllos Genus: Isotria I. verticillata (five-leaves) Genus: Calypso C. bulbosa (calypso or fairy-slipper) Genus: Arethusa A. bulbosa (dragon's-mouth or bog-pink) Genus: Cleistes C. divaricata (rosebud orchid) Genus: Pogonia P. ophioglossoides (snake-mouth) Genus: Aplectrum A. hyemale (putty-root or Adam-and-Eve) Genus: Corallorhiza (coral-roots) C. maculata C. trifida C. striata C. wisteriana Genus: Epipactis E. helleborine (helleborine) Genus: Listera (twayblades) L. cordata L. australis Genus: Triphora T. trianthophora (three-birds) Genus: Orchis O. spectabilis (showy orchis) Genus: Habenaria (rein orchids and fringed orchids) H. psycodes H. lacera H. blephariglottis H. cristata H. ciliaris H. hookeri H. orbiculata H. flava H. dilatata H. clavellata H. hyperborea H. viridis Genus: Liparis (twayblades) L. lilifolia L. loeselii Genus: Goodyera (rattlesnake-plantains) G. repens G. tesselata G. oblongifolia G. pubescens Genus: Spiranthes (ladies'tresses) S. cernua S. romanzoffiana S. ovalis S. gracilis S. vernalis S. grayi S. lucida S. praecox
Contributed comments:
From: Celedon Jaramillo
Email: melth@uclink4.berkeley.edu
wonderful!!!!! I learned so much. I want to thank you, because I had a huge project due today and this site helped me tremendously. Once again thank you!!!
From: Bruce Little
Email: stu5904@wga.edu
Pls. inform me if possible of genus of mycorrhizae associated with cyperdium acaule. Any help greatly appreciated. B.
From: Bobbi Hamilton
Email: hambeat@rockisland.com
I am looking for any information on the propagation of the Washington state Calyspo Bulbosa orchid----I am trying to save several plants that will be destroyed by disturbance. Any help will be appreciated.
From: Duane Phillips
Email: phillips@acme-brain.com
Anyone know where I can order lady's slipper seeds or plants?
From: Jeff
Email: dzzed@hotmail.com
I am looking for propagation information, such as seed collection times, for Habenaria cristata, orange fringed orchid. Any help is greatly appreciated! j
From: Alfred Peake
Email: Alf_Peake@compuserve.com
Looking for a picture and description of suspected Autumn Ladies' Tresses orchid wild in my garden in Wales UK for around 30 years. thanks Alf
From: E. Mrouse
Email: Attta@aol.com
There is a seed pod on my pink lady's slipper (cypripedeum acaule) plant. I am looking for information about seed collecting and germination. Thanks for any help.
From: E. Mrouse
Email: Attta@aol.com
There is a seed pod on my pink lady's slipper (cypripedeum acaule) plant. I am looking for information about seed collecting and germination. Thanks for any help.
From: kathy roach
Email: kroach@d.umn.edu
Where can I obtain two yellow lady slippers? I live in zone 3 (Duluth, MN) and would like to raise them at our lake place
From: Juan C. Santos
Email: jcsantos@puceuio.puce.edu.ec
Nice page! I want to know about the uses of orchids. If you have some information please send me. Thanks!
From: J. January
Email: jjohnson@jklaw.com
HELP - I have had the wonderful experience of growing a "voodo lilly" for four years and just recently had it bloom. It is so beautiful. I would like to learn more about it - especially what I should do now. I can't find the original data I rec'd when I purchased the tubluar. Can you direct me?
From: Jacques
Email: ak744@chebucto.ns.ca
Visiting the University of NFLD, Canada botanical garden I saw a beautiful display of Yellow Lady Slipper, and woould like to fine out where someone can find seed of buy some of plant. Tanks for any help
From: Sharon Jiricek
Email: SJiricek@AOL.com
Does anyone know of a company where I can order the Calypso orchid? Thank you!
Email: sales@afwfdry.com
From: Kimbereley Hill
Email: kdhill@cfw.com
Anyone know where I can order Lady slipper seeds or plants??
From: Jim Pierce
Email: jme1935@quixnet.net
Pink Lady Slippers grew wild on our property in Southeastern Massachusetts. I remember that at one time they were protected. Are they still a "protected" plant?
From: chenruirui
Email: chenruiruier@263.net
I need the information about Dendrobium and orchid mycorrhizae .Anything about it will be helpful.Thank you!
From: Matti Niissalo
Email: orkidea@madmail.com
Calypso Orchid is sold in North-West nativeplants-nursery (www.nwplants.com) and in Europe you can ask it from www.terrorchids.com, althought this species is not included in theyre last years catalog (which is still left in the homepages). Calypso enjoys sandy, mossy soil, and it should not be kept dry never. But too much wet is also bad. E-mail me if yo want more info. I would be intrested in seeds of this orchid... Matti, http://www.geocities.com/orkoti (I apologice, my homepage is not ready yet but you may wisit it already).
From: Matti Niissalo
Email: orkidea@madmail.com
I forgot... Cypripediums are awailable in many places on net, some addresses were recently given in Cyp Forum, www.cypripedium.de/forum. Look at note with name Cypripedium dealer.
From: Matti Niissalo
Email: orkidea@madmail.com
I forgot... Cypripediums are awailable in many places on net, some addresses were recently given in Cyp Forum, www.cypripedium.de/forum. Look at note with name Cypripedium dealer.
From: Matti Niissalo
Email: orkidea@madmail.com
I am intrested in some special American orchids, like your Habenarias/Platantheras. Does someone have seeds of them to trade? I could give some European seeds as trade. Ask me if you need something special! Matti
From: willem
Email: boekie.hen@planet.nl
Does anyone know of a company where I can order the Calypso orchid? Thank you!
From: rob
Email: boekie.hen@planet.nl
Does anyone know of a company where I can order the Calypso bulbosa? Thank you!
From: cj
Email: poopy@poopy.com
smelly poopo skunk
From: Lisa
Email: Lisa4Life@hotmail.com
can you tell me the order of the orchid family please. Please mail me back at Lisa4Life@hotmail.com. I would really appreciate it if you could try to help me!
From: Bonnie Rivers
Email: wildfyre@eagle.ptialaska.net
Hi, does anyone know where I can find information on cultivating Calypso bulbosa?
From: Bilgin Chakir
Email: notrinox@hotmail.com
I would like to learn more about production of orcidaceae orchis,ophrys, dactylorhizat. I would be deeply appreciated if you could inform me about that particular subject. Any link, url, books or what ever you can provide will do just fine
From: Cecile De Castro
Email: aurelliasp@yahoo.com
Does anyone know what are the scientific names of bee orchid, ground orchid and moth orchid? THanks, I"ll really appreciate it.
From: ed obree
Email: ed_obree@hotmail.com
Are lillies members of the orchid family? Thanks.
From: melissa
Email: origins92407@yahoo.com
great site.
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