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![]() | Species in the Monocots: |
SPECIES Agave virginica Alisma gramineum Alisma plantago-aquatica Alisma subcordatum Alisma triviale Allium canadense Allium cernuum Allium stellatum Allium tricoccum Aplectrum hyemale Arethusa bulbosa Belamcanda chinensis Calopogon pulchellus Calypso bulbosa Camassia scilloides Chamaelirum luteum Cleistes divaricata Clintonia borealis Clintonia umbellulata Commelina communis Commelina erecta Commelina virginica Corallorhiza maculata Corallorhiza striata Corallorhiza trifida Corallorhiza wisteriana Cypripedium acaule Cypripedium arietinum Cypripedium calceolus Cypripedium candidum Cypripedium reginae Eichhornia crassipes Elodea canadensis Epipactis helleborine Erythronium albidum Erythronium americanum Goodyera oblongifolia Goodyera pubescens Goodyera repens Goodyera tesselata Habenaria blephariglottis Habenaria ciliaris Habenaria clavellata Habenaria cristata Habenaria dilatata Habenaria flava Habenaria hookeri Habenaria hyperborea Habenaria lacera Habenaria orbiculata Habenaria psycodes Habenaria viridis Hemerocallis flava Hemerocallis fulva Hypoxis hirsuta Iris brevicaulis Iris cristata Iris fulva Iris hookeri Iris prismatica Iris pseudacorus Iris versicolor Iris virginica Isotria verticillata Lilium canadense Lilium philadelphicum Lilium superbum Lilium tigrinum Liparis lilifolia Liparis loeselii Listera australis Listera cordata Maianthemum canadense Malaxis brachypoda Malaxis monophyllos Malaxis unifolia Medeola virginiana Melanthium virginicum Nothoscordum bivalve Orchis spectabilis Ornithogalum umbellatum Pogonia ophioglossoides Polygonatum canaliculatum Ponterderia cordata Sagittaria cuneata Sagittaria engelmanniana Sagittaria graminea Sagittaria latifolia Sagittaria montevidensis Sagittaria rigida Sagittaria spatulata Sagittaria teres Sisyrinchium angustifolium Sisyrinchium atlanticum Sisyrinchium campestre Sisyrinchium montanum Smilacina racemosa Smilacina stellata Smilacina trifolia Smilax ecirrhata Smilax glauca Smilax herbacea Smilax hispida Smilax pulverulenta Smilax rotundifolia Spiranthes cernua Spiranthes gracilis Spiranthes grayi Spiranthes lucida Spiranthes ovalis Spiranthes praecox Spiranthes romanzoffiana Spiranthes vernalis Strenanthium gramineum Streptopus amplexifolius Streptopus roseus Tradescantia bracteata Tradescantia occidentalis Tradescantia ohiensis Tradescantia virginiana Trillium cernuum Trillium erectum Trillium flexipes Trillium grandiflorum Trillium nivale Trillium recurvatum Trillium sessile Trillium undulatum Triphora trianthophora Typha angustifolia Typha latifolia Uvularia grandiflora Uvularia perfoliata Uvularia sessilifolia Vallisneria spiralis Veratrum viride Zygadenus elegans Zygadenus glaucus [Return to menu]
Contributed comments:
From: Brian Aspelin
Email: aspelin@flashnet.com
I'm doing a project for biology class. And I am looking for the species of the Allium Canadense plant (wild onion)
From: Rebecca Romah
Email: becc3286@hotmail.com
I am doing a science project,I need some flowers and fruit information on them.
From: Ana Cl udia Vieira
Email: acmvieira@pharma.ufrj.br
I'd like more informations about the genera Sisyrinchium and some images too.
From: jennifer quigley
Email: iandi.tele.com
you do not list s.sagittifolia as an arrowhead plant that is the native species here that Lewis and Clark dicovered on the Oregon Trail did i miss it on your list? lewis and
From: jennifer quigley
Email: iandi.tele.com
you do not list s.sagittifolia as an arrowhead plant that is the native species here that Lewis and Clark dicovered on the Oregon Trail did i miss it on your list? lewis and
From: jennifer quigley
Email: iandi.tele.com
you do not list s.sagittifolia as an arrowhead plant that is the native species here that Lewis and Clark dicovered on the Oregon Trail did i miss it on your list? lewis and
From: jennifer quigley
Email: iandi.tele.com
you do not list s.sagittifolia as an arrowhead plant that is the native species here that Lewis and Clark dicovered on the Oregon Trail did i miss it on your list? lewis and
From: jennifer quigley
Email: iandi.tele.com
you do not list s.sagittifolia as an arrowhead plant that is the native species here that Lewis and Clark dicovered on the Oregon Trail did i miss it on your list? lewis and
From: Cinnamon DiCaprio
Email: cinnamond@hotmail.com
I am doing an Ecology project and I need some information on the difference between Dicots and Monocots. Thanx Cinnamon DiCaprio
From: Suzie Hudson
Email: kiwirocks21@yahoo.com
This page doesn't really explan what moncots and dicots are in terms that people are familair with.
From: Euron Thomas
Email: euronthomas@gwynedd.gov.uk
I have a problem with elodea canadensis in a pond. I would appreciate some advice on how to control it or any links which will give me this info. Thanks. Euron Thomas.
From: Peter Martinka
Email: martinka@fpharm.uniba.sk
I have a problem with getting some information about Lilium candidum and mostly about content substances. Would some kind persom send me some pictures and perhaps some text. I would really appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Peter Martinka
From: Jeff Stultz
Email: jtultz@juno.com
Plantago erecta, I recently read an article that stated this plant was a food source for the endangered Quino checkerspot butterfly. Do you have info on this native California plant?
From: Jaymes Zemek
Email: www.jaymes98_98@hotmail.com
I'm doing an assignment on the growth of monocots with different nutrient deficiencies, N, P, and K whould you be able to give me some info. which may be relevent to this topic?
From: Jaymes Zemek
Email: www.jaymes98_98@hotmail.com
I'm doing an assignment on the growth of monocots with different nutrient deficiencies, N, P, and K whould you be able to give me some info. which may be relevent to this topic?
From: Kelsey Joh
Email: kelipso@lacroix.org
I need pictures of monocots that live in western Washington. Can anyone help me? Thanks! :o) Please by June 4th, 19999
From: temel yildirim
Email: pinary@netone.com.tr
I need informatiom about commercial uses of Lilium Candidum I would appreciate if you can send me some information. Thank you. Temel Yildirim
From: christopher
Email: ckk100@aol.com
i love dank!
From: R. Cruz D.
Email: rcd@minervaux2.fciencias.unam.mx
I m interested in getting some pictures of Commelinaceae from M xico. I would appeciate your help. Thank you.
From: R. Cruz D.
Email: rcd@minervaux2.fciencias.unam.mx
I m interested in getting some pictures of Commelinaceae from M xico. I would appeciate your help. Thank you.
From: Kris F.
Email: krisfindley@hotmail.com
Is the genera Andropogon a monocot or a dicot?
From: nik morrow
Email: napolean_niki@yahoo.com
This site is not useful to normal people. I need pictures!!!
From: mike
i think you need picture,but beside's that very good web page . alot of informatiom for the normal people who can read you dum fuck nik morrow thank for your info on helleborine
From: mike
i think you need picture,but beside's that very good web page . alot of informatiom for the normal people who can read you dum fuck nik morrow thank for your info on helleborine
From: mike
i think you need picture,but beside's that very good web page . alot of informatiom for the normal people who can read you dum fuck nik morrow thank for your info on helleborine
From: Jay-Jay
Wow uh,...it's pretty cool. Is there any pics? I want pics. No pics? Then I must go now. Jay-Jay says hi to everyone.
From: anonomous
I am doing a project for science class and I need some help identifying some plants I found in Chicago, I need your help,thank you.
From: Tim Pankhurst
Email: timpankhurst@aol.com
I am studying Alisma gramineum as part of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan commitments. Th especies is very rare in UK. I am aware that it has been recorded as a 'pesky weed'in the St Lawrence River, Ontario, and occurs widely across the US. I would be very grateful for any information on the habitat preferencs of this species in the US and Canada and in particular on possible relations with low levels of slainity in either the soils or water it grows in. Thanks
From: Lani Gascon
Email: lani@compass.com.ph
My son is in his 5th grade. His assignment is to cut out sample pictures of monocot and dicot plants. I appreciate very much if you could provide me pictures. Thank you.
From: joef
Email: feoj
this web site sucks
From: Stephanie Wolanuk is the Bomb
Email: outrageous_14@hotmail.com Or Outrageous_14@alberta.com
Im doing a Science Project 4 a lame Teacher and I cannot find anything to answer this question. There are three main differences between the way a dicot and a monocotlooks.what are the three main differences!! Plz help help help!!!
From: nick
Email: www.archie120801@aol.com
i need info on monocots and dicots, with pictures i have a test and i cant find anything please help me please!!!!!!!!!!!
From: nick
Email: www.archie120801@aol.com
i need info on monocots and dicots, with pictures i have a test and i cant find anything please help me please!!!!!!!!!!!
From: Eka Popiashvili
Email: ekapopiashvili@yahoo.com
As far as for my scientific research I need very much the article that does not exist in Tbilisi libraries I would like to ask you if you can send me the following publication: Davies D.R. (1963) Radiation-induced chromosome aberrations and loss of reproductive integrity in Tradecantia. Radiation Res. 20, 726-740. I will be very grateful if you can.
From: sas
Email: sas@accessmo.com
From: knuckelette
Email: bigbina@clsurf.com
my son is doing a project of plant collections / monocots
From: Linda Styke
Email: linda_styke@hotmail.com
my friend has found this plant in his garden in New Zealand,large crimson,about 30 cm long,leaf similar to friut salad plant but with fingers out one side only,about 800cm in height growning from a small bulb, bloomed for three days, smells like rotten meat..can someone tell me its name
Contributed links: