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![]() | Typhaceae (Cat-tail Family) |
Typhaceae (Cat-tail Family) Characteristics: *stamens and pistils often in separate flowers *sepals present in some Family: Typhaceae Genera and Species: Genus: Typha (Cat-tail) T. latifolia T. angustifolia
Contributed comments:
From: Winter Ward
Email: harmony@nidlink.com
I am doing a biology II report on cat-tails. We are researching the types of cat-tails we have in our area. After we learn how they reproduce, we are going to see what is takes to grow them in the lab. We are not sure if we can do it,....but we will try. We would appreciate it if you could send us some information on them. It would mean a lot to us. Thank you for your time, Winter Ward
From: Elaine Fontes
Email: marionet@ax.apc.org
I am a biology student too. I'd like to know more about Typha dominguenses. I'd like to see an image , if you can mail me something about it, I would be very glad. Thank you, Elaine
From: Julie
Email: Bavard1779@aol.com
i'm doing an ecology lab report on the cat-tail. how does the cat-tail affect the system of the environment? how is it effected? any info would be helpful ! thank you, JuLie
From: Jim Fotinakes
Email: Foto@thegrid.com
My entire creek is "clogged" with these. Do you know how to eliminate them from the seasonal creek in my yard.
From: Kyle
Email: TroutRises@aol.com
I have a pond about 40x30. It is over-run with cat-tails. I am trying desperately to find a way to remove them. I would like to kill them, but don't know of anything on the market that would work. If you know anyhting that might help me, please let me know
From: Tammy
Email: jjeberly@mail.fwi.com
We also have a pond that is becoming over-run with cat-tails. How can I get rid of them? Help!!
From: Tom
Email: Tom@oppad.com
My pond as well is becoming overrun with cat-tails. If anyone has come up with a solution of how to eliminate them I too would appreciate hearing the answer. I heard that if you cut them below the water line in the Spring, and continue to do that throughout the Summer that you'ss eventually drown them. But my pond is very large and I haven't tried that.
From: Brent
Email: NESNE@aol.com
I am doing a Biology report and I need to know some information about Cat-Tails, Water Chesnut, Dandelion, Goldenrod, and Red Clover. If someone could email me some information, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanx. =)
From: Tara
Email: Toliphant@trentu.ca
We are doing a lab report on the ideal depth for cat tails to grow. If anyone has any info or has their own results of a similar experiment regarding this please let me know. Thanks!
From: Melissa and Stacey
Email: Stacca_14@hotmail.com
We are doing a project on water plants and cat tails are one of them and we are wondering if you could e-mail us some information and picturers of the cat tails. Thanks melissa and stacey
From: Melissa and Stacey
Email: Stacca_14@hotmail.com
We are doing a project on water plants and cat tails are one of them and we are wondering if you could e-mail us some information and picturers of the cat tails. Thanks melissa and stacey
From: Linden
Email: linden@seasurf.net
Hi I work for a chiropractor who lives in a swamp. Part of my job is identifing plants on her property and finding out if they have food or medicinal value. How to harvest them and prepare them. Any info that might be of use would be greatly appreciated. Thanx:)
From: mike quane
Email: quanebrain
Like many before me, I need help controlling my cat tails. Is there a method besides burning? Thank you Mike
From: gerry t
Email: cjstin@webtv.net
looking for a way to remove catails either using weed killer or? never knew burning would remove someone out there must know before i am overrun
From: Steve Sullivan
Email: ssbluejay@yahoo.com
HELP!! My pond is quickly being invaded with these cat-tails! How do I eliminate or control these plants. Thank you.
From: Bernie
Email: bradley@ls.net
It sounds like many of us have the same problem with cat tails overtaking our ponds. I too need help with eliminating them. Help..
From: Chip Burton
Email: Chip@M-LTi.com
If you need to get rid of cat tails, use "Diquat Dibromide" which is sold under the trade name of "Reglone", "Aquacide" and a few others. Check these links for more information. http://ace.ace.orst.edu/info/extoxnet/pips/diquatdi.htm
From: Darwin
Email: dharting@wcrtc.net
Like so many before me, I am plagued by ever-expanding beds of cat tails in my ponds. I there any control?
From: Bill
Email: moonhill@juno.com
Like everyone before me! Cat-tails are talking over my Catfish Tank.I would like to eliminate the cat-tails but not the fish. Thanks Bill
From: Bart
Email: turbobartman@cs.com
try pulling them out of the water with your hands.Also they are pretty tasty. Try one but get into the stalk and pull out some fresh one.
From: Crystal
Email: lilhamm9usa@yahoo.com
i am doing a project for my bio class and i have a cat tail plant and i was wondering if anyone knows the altitude for them it is very important please!!!! email me for help
From: Jeffrey
Email: jracioppi@commschool.org
I'm beginning a study on insect interactions with cat-tails. As a high school teacher I don't have time or ready access to a research library and I wonder whether anyone has studied this topic extensively?
From: Patti Scott
Email: wpscott@rctvonline.net
A friend of mine is trying to perserve these cat tails as a flower and keep it year round in her home could you tell me how to do this safely so they do not explode their fluff everywhere. Thank you
From: Luis Yglesias
Email: curridabat@costarricense.com
Im doing a biology report about diferent ways to control Typha dominguenses, because eventhough they are not native of Costa Rica, we have some serious problems with them in some national parks.
From: Luis Yglesias
Email: curridabat@costarricense.com
Im doing a biology report about diferent ways to control Typha dominguenses, because eventhough they are not native of Costa Rica, we have some serious problems with them in some national parks.
From: Cory
Email: corytbob@aol.com
I am a native plant collector in Georgia. I am interested in collecting various varieties of cat-tails. If anyone is in the southeast and would be willing to allow me to remove some of theirs I am interested in helping or doing this for you. Please reply by email or call me at 706-653-8670. Thanks.
From: Bob
Email: bhogansix@aol.com
HELP! Does anyone know how to eliminate cat tails from my pond? I wish not to hurt the fish, deer,turtles,etc...that live off the pond. Please e-mail me. Thanks Bob
From: Keith Campbell
Email: kcampb3179@aol.com
Has anyone found a way to control the cat tails?
From: michaelRodia
Email: shortstuf810@aol.com
how does a typha angustifolia get its food?
From: Juli Buck
Email: gjbuck@iowatelecom.net
We also have a pond that's becoming overrun with catails.The pond is only about 3 years old and we would like to get rid of the catails.We have 2 other ponds close by that don't have any..Help
From: Juli Buck
Email: gjbuck@iowatelecom.net
We also have a pond that's becoming overrun with catails.The pond is only about 3 years old and we would like to get rid of the catails.We have 2 other ponds close by that don't have any..Help
From: alice west
Email: itsalice@fidnet.com
we have a pond that has been overrun with cattails we drained it partly but still can't get rid of them what can we do to remove them . we tried pulling them that doesn't work either.HELP
From: alice west
Email: itsalice@fidnet.com
we have a pond that has been overrun with cattails we drained it partly but still can't get rid of them what can we do to remove them . we tried pulling them that doesn't work either.HELP
From: Liana Williams
Email: lwilliams@colonial-insurance.com
I, also, am hoping to preserve cut cattails for use in a dried flower arrangement. Is this possible?
From: hunter
Email: talk2thunter@yahoo.ca
I also need to know how to preserve the cattails I have cut and as soon as possible, please help.
From: hunter
Email: talk2thunter@yahoo.ca
I also need to know how to preserve the cattails I have cut and as soon as possible, please help.
From: Denise
Email: ddac1982@cs.com
When I was a child (back in the 60's) my grandparents used to dry cattails and burn them. It kept away mostiques. Has any one ever used them for this purpose.
From: Denise
Email: ddac1982@cs.com
When I was a child (back in the 60's) my grandparents used to dry cattails and burn them. It kept away mostiques. Has any one ever used them for this purpose.
From: Elliott Royce, Minneapolis, MN
Email: ellbev@earthlink.net
I too would like to find a way to preserve cat tails for inside decoration. Can they be colored? Thanks
From: Lori Fosse
Email: muddin_mom@excite.com
looking to find ways to preserve and dye cattails also any suggestions for wreath and flower arrangments?
From: Connie
Email: conoco12@interlinklc.net
We have cat tails all over our pond and we would like to know how to get rid of them. My husband has been cutting them but they seem to come right back.
From: annamae davis
Email: annamaedavis@yahoo.com
am doing an arrangment using dry flowers i want to add cat-tail,but need to dry them,how to?
From: E. Thompson
Email: retire012003@netzero.net
Preserving cattails and thistles - I found helpful information at WWW.NEWTON.DED.ANL.GOV/SEARCH/SEARCH.HTM(KEY WORD: Drying Thistles).
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Contributed by: Brent
Email: NESNE@aol.com