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![]() | Liliaceae (Lily Family) |
Liliaceae (Lily Family) Characteristics: *six parted perianth generally *in many species the segments are colored and shaped alike, where in others, there are two rings of three segments, each ring being different *flowers are all color with blue being rare *six stamens, one pistil *stigma generally three-lobed, or three separate stigmas on a thre-branched style *ovary is superior *fruits generally three-chambered pods or berries Family: Liliaceae Genera and Species: Genus: Erythronium (Dogtooth-violet) E. americanum (yellow dogtooth-violet) E. albidum (white dogtooth-violet) Genus: Uvularia (Bellworts) U. perfoliata U. grandiflora U. sessilifolia Genus: Trillium (trillium or wake-robins) T. undulatum (painted trillium) T. nivale (dwarf white trillium) T. erectum (purple trillium) T. grandiflorum (large-flowered trillium T. cernuum (nodding trillium) T. flexipes T. sessile T. recurvatum Genus: Allium (Onion) A. canadense (wild garlic) A. cernuum (wild onion) A. stellatum A. tricoccum Genus: Nothoscordum (False Garlic) N. bivalve Genus: Medeola (Indian cucumber-root) M. virginiana Genus: Lilium (lilies) L. philadelphicum (wood lily) L. canadense (Canada or meadow lily) L. superbum (Turk's-cap lily) L. tigrinum (common garden tiger lily) Genus: Clintonia (clintonia) C. borealis (bluebead or corn-lily) C. umbellulata Genus: Polygonatum (Solomon's-seal) P. canaliculatum Genus: Streptopus (twisted-stalk) S. amplexifolius S. roseus Genus: Smilacina (false Solomon's-seal) S. racemosa S. stellata S. trifolia Genus: Maianthemum (wild lily-of-the-valley) M. canadense Genus: Ornithogalum (star-of-Bethlehem) O. umbellatum Genus: Camassia (wild hyacinth) C. scilloides Genus: Zygadenus (camas) Z. glaucus Z. elegans Genus: Melanthium (bunchflower) M. virginicum Genus: Veratrum (Indian poke or false hellebore) V. viride Genus: Chamaelirium (fairy-wand or devil's-bit) C. luteum Genus: Stenanthium (featherbells) S. gramineum Genus: Hemerocallis (day-lilies) H. fulva H. flava Genus: Smilax (catbriers, greenbriers and carrion-flower S. rotundifolia (greenbrier or horsebrier) S. glauca (sawbrier or wild sarsaparilla) S. hispida S. herbacea (carrion-flower) S. pulverulenta S. ecirrhata
Contributed comments:
Testing the system
From: Ron Salmon
Email: Dustoff@visuallink.com
Please Send any info you may have on Smilacina racemosa, S.stellata, and S. trifolia. I am doing a college life history research paper on these species. Thanks : Ron
From: john lykkegaard
Email: Johnlykk@post5.tele.dk
You have forgotten the other 90 lily species!!!!
From: dalia khalaf
Email: hort012@student.maich.gr
please, I want more information about nitrate reductse in liliaceae thank you.
From: Cesar Rios
Email: rios_munoz@hotmail.com
Is very interesting to know that there are people like you, I would like to know about the systematic of the Lily family can you tell me where I can find that information?
From: Sharon York
Email: syork@cport.com
Need to find the name both common and specific for what I call "a stinking black lily". It has long grenn
From: Peggi Calder
Email: billc@cnwl.igs.net
Hi! I'm searching for any monographs on the wild allium species - Allium tricoccum in particular. If you are familiar with anything written could you email me the info so I could try to get a copy? Thanks very much, Peggi Calder
From: Alejandro Vasquez encalada
Email: 1000489@UNMS.EDU.PE
Soy estudiante de ciencias biologicas deseo por favor me envie por correo la importancia economica de la familia liliacea. Gracias.
From: Alejandro Vasquez encalada
Email: 1000489@UNMS.EDU.PE
Soy estudiante de ciencias biologicas deseo por favor me envie por correo la importancia economica de la familia liliacea. Gracias.
From: Alejandro Vasquez encalada
Email: 1000489@UNMS.EDU.PE
Soy estudiante de ciencias biologicas deseo por favor me envie por correo la importancia economica de la familia liliacea. c
From: Sarah Ashraf
Email: cutiekabob@aol.com
I need to know the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species of Nothoscordum bivalve soon. Please help me find this!!!!
From: Diana Carrillo
Email: dianitacarrillo@hotmail.com
I need to know if Aloe Vera belongs to this family and if you know the typus genus of this family. Urgent! I am doing a monography on aloe vera and its family.
From: jshlkjegihghi
Email: yu8gryutuergugtu
you suck
From: Mar a Jota
Email: mariajota54@latinmail.com
Buenos d as: Por favor necesito informaci n sobre la familia liliaceae, su origen, claificaci n, g nero, orden, importancia econ mica y agron mica, especie, detalles sobre la ra z, hojas, tallo. Si es en espa ol mucho mejor. Gracias
Email: rvargas@virbac.com.mx
quisiera saber si tienen informacion sobre la Laliacea (filiferia) como desinfectante. gracias por su atencion
From: Kristen
Email: kbvan24@hotmail.com
I am doing floral development research on Ruscus aeuleatus, if anyone has any info or could refer me to a good source, I would greatly appriciate it. Thanks
From: scooby girl
you should giverrfrujyftvo9 8kiyoi
From: Grant oldroyd
Email: grantoldroyd@hotmail.com
I'm a tafe student i need info or photos or diagrams on monocot and dicot seeds,a ferns life cycle,Gymnosperm life cycle and Angiosperm life cycle.
From: Lissy
Email: lissy66@iprimus.com.au
urgently need a diagram of aloe vera, would love any help, by the way, this site is crap, no info what so ever!!!!
From: Sindhu
Email: sins26@hotmail.com
Hi!! I need the life cycle for moss, and fern. I need names of plants that have dicoot leaves. This is urgent so please help me!! or i will fail my sci. class. Thanx
From: ronald
Email: avalos_ronald@correos.cr
quisiera saber si tiene informacion sobre aloe vera, cultivo,usos, etc. gracias
From: Who gives a fuck
Email: fuck_u@hotmail.com
Why the fuck do yall have a Fucking e-mail, if you don't have any fucking info?
From: Who gives a fuck
Email: fuck_u@hotmail.com
Why the fuck do yall have a Fucking e-mail, if you don't have any fucking info?
From: Marcy Osborn
Email: chicka__22@hotmail.com
I'm looking for some information on a science project i have due Monday! It is on the life cycle of a plant. PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION PLEASE SEND IT TO ME THANK YOU!! Sincerly, Marcy
From: Marcy Osborn
Email: chicka__22@hotmail.com
I'm looking for some information on a science project i have due Monday! It is on the life cycle of a plant. PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION PLEASE SEND IT TO ME THANK YOU!! Sincerly, Marcy
From: Joe Schmoe
Email: x_vector_x@hotmail.com
Hey, gimme some more info on this Lily stuff. Phylum, Class, and order. If ur any kind of help center, you will email me with some info, b/c ur site didnt do jack shit for me.
From: Mary
Email: m.lindsay@zfree.co.nz
Hi, Can anyone help me. I have found a plant in my garden which I am told is a black lily. Not the one that stinks.Another name I ws given was Devil lily or Aroid Lily. As it has been unearthed and has the most interesting flowers I would like to know 1. How tall it grows 2. What depth it should be planted and anything else including its history which would be of use to me.
From: Mukesh Patel
Email: mukeshvp@hotmail.com
Any girl or women in Ahmedabad want to have sex or sexy friendship contact me M/27 at mukeshvp@hotmail.com
From: Shari
Email: Chocolate006@hotmail.com
Do anyone know where I can find cool slides on the net showing monocot and dicot leaves? If so email me!!!
From: hector arias tapia
Email: hectorat59@hotmail.com
hello i from mexico my state is jalisco ok tankyou
From: harley d
Email: harleyd@hotmail.com
this website is not cool at all
From: i like pictures
Email: alksfj@L;KSJF
From: Patricio oJEDA
From: pramod pandey
Email: pandey_pramod90@yahoo.com
dear, my name is pramod pandey . i am a engineering student i looking for a girl friend . I leave in kathmandu , NEPAL thanks..........
From: pramod pandey
Email: pandey_pramod90@yahoo.com
dear, my name is pramod pandey . i am a engineering student i looking for a girl friend . I leave in kathmandu , NEPAL thanks..........
From: pramod pandey
why does this web suck so much you fucking bastards
From: jose luis
Email: jose.gutierreza@essalud.sld.pe
Por favor sobre el cultivo de aloe vera , las caracteristicas quimicas ideales del suelo
From: nikki
Email: nenita101
needs pics aiight peace
From: screw you!
Email: why should i tell you
this website sux crap and kristen has a tight @$$
From: Angel Tisah
Email: Juniora_Armstrong @yahoo.com
Im happy for this day because i talk to him, im very happy i dont know what im going through because of this feeling that hard to explain.
From: sam
Email: i don't think it matters
I agree
From: bobeus
Email: doh i forget
what sam said
From: sam
Email: i don't think it matters
i think bobeus is a very intelligent person
From: jennie
Email: battiejl@msn.com
Could somebody please assist with the taxonomic hierarchy of the following: Family Liliaceae Genus Crinum Species C. uniflorum Any assistance would be appreciated (except from the foul mouths)
From: leonardo
Email: leonardodonati@hotmail.com
por favor necesito informacion sobre el cultivo de aloe vera. saber si es posible hacerlo en la provincia de corrientes. condiciones de suelo; obtencion de plantas; costos inicial y del proceso de cultivo y produccion; mercado y posiblilidades rentables.
From: leonardo
Email: leonardodonati@hotmail.com
por favor necesito informacion sobre el cultivo de aloe vera. saber si es posible hacerlo en la provincia de corrientes. condiciones de suelo; obtencion de plantas; costos inicial y del proceso de cultivo y produccion; mercado y posiblilidades rentables.
Contributed links:
http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/onion family.html
Pictures of the onion family
Contributed by: Rob Thompson
Email: Thompsonr@central.edu
go here it'll make you smile!!! :^)
Contributed by: Zack
Email: quicksilverbit@hotmail.com